Upcoming Opportunities to Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle!

Just a quick reminder that as you “Spring Clean” over the next month, we have some upcoming events that allow you to Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle!

First up is the Friends of the Library Garage Sale on March 30.  If you’re not up for hosting your own garage sale and don’t want items to go to waste, the FOL will gladly take them off your hands!  Visit their website for more info:  http://wbfriends.org/.  Leftovers at the end of the day will be donated to Easter Seals.

Coming up April 13, we’ve got EXTREME Clean Spring! at 13905 Thermal from 8am-2pm.  This is the perfect excuse to clean out all your cabinets and closets!  Twice a year, we have Drug Take Back and FREE On-site Shredding.  We’ll also be collecting supplies for Austin Wildlife Rescue and assorted Animal Rescue Groups (clean towels, pet beds, bowls, crates, collars and leashes, toys, etc.), those experiencing homelessness via Austin Humanists at Work www.austinhumanistsatwork.org, Austin Creative Reuse http://austincreativereuse.org/, Easter Seals http://www.easterseals.com/centraltx/.  This year, we’ll be collecting gently used (or new) purses for Handbags for Hope to be distributed to women’s shelters throughout Texas.  We’ll have more info up on the WBNA website next week.  And as always, we’ll be collecting metal, electronics, styrofoam, paint, anti-freeze, household batteries, and cardboard for recycling.  Please sort through the items you bring for bulk trash and repurpose or recycle wherever possible.

As an added bonus, we’re bringing back Yard Chemical RedistributionThis year, we’ll be collecting fertilizer, pesticides, and fungicides at 2602 Tracy Trail from 8am-2pm on April 13 in conjunction with EXTREME Clean Spring.  Our volunteer, Pamela Woodward, will be collecting and listing items as they come in with the intent of finding homes for the unwanted supplies.  Leftovers will be transported to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility the following week.  Please do not bring these chemicals to the Thermal location.  They will only be taken at Tracy Trail.  Please make sure supplies are in their original containers and sealed or re-sealed.  Previously opened containers are acceptable, but we do need to be able to seal them for transport.  Relatively “clean” is appreciated as well.

The WBNA collaborates with Wells Branch MUD four times a year to offer our Extreme Clean program.  Watch our websites and the upcoming WBNA newsletter for updates.

If you need help transporting items to EXTREME Clean, WB Venturing Crew 1409 will be offering pick up as a fundraiser.  There is a minimun $20 charge, but we encourage you to tip accordingly as our Wells Branch youth are earning money for campouts/trips as well as offering a valuable community service.  To schedule pick up, contact Daniel White at 512-413-0097.


Saturday, July 13 • 8am-2pm
13905 Thermal Drive

We created Quarterly Extreme Clean several years ago to make it easy for Wells Branch residents to Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle – sort of a “one-stop shop” if you will.  We suggest you sort through the items you intend to bring and group them in bags or boxes to help expedite the process (it’s going to be REALLY HOT this Saturday and we want everything to flow smoothly).  If it’s reusable, please donate it to one of the groups listed below or recycle it, with bulk waste being a last resort.  I’ve included links to some of the things needed and listed specifics on some of the recycling items.  Please take a moment to review.

Austin Creative Reuse

Easter Seals 
Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Personal Accessories, Media, Housewares, Toys

Homeless Helpings to be distributed by Austin Humanists at Work

Pet Shelter & Wildlife Rescue to be distributed by Lois Kantor
Clean towels, pet bedding & supplies, carriers & crates, pet toys, food, and blue jeans (for use at Wildlife Rescue)

Styrofoam – We’re talking the plain white stuff we all grew up with – no urethane foam or any of the new and “improved” stuff.  Those items need to go in with bulk trash, please.

Metal RECYCLING – LOVE this!  We want your old BBQ grills, dead patio furniture, dishwashers, and water heaters, etc.  PLEASE take your large items to the BACK of the receptacle so that we may pack as much in as possible.  The smaller items like nuts and bolts can be recycled here as well!

Limited Electronics RecyclingPlease note, we’re working on an more extensive plan to recycle electronics.  If you can wait until Extreme Clean Fall in October to bring your electronics, it would be appreciated.  If you’ve got them all packed up already, no worries, we’ll still take them.

Household Waste Collection INCLUDES: 
Batteries • Paint* • Antifreeze* ONLY
*MUST be in closed container.

CARDBOARD – YES!  Please break down the cardboard and separate it from the Styrofoam packing before you leave if at all possible as the heat is expected to be bad on Saturday.

Bulk Trash – Basically, whatever you have left except TVs, tires, and hazardous waste.  This is where you bring those mattresses, box springs and sofas that can’t be repurposed!  These bins always fill fast.  We’ll have volunteers there to help.  Please carry items to the back of the dumpsters, which could’ve been rented here, so that we can PACK as much in as possible.  Thank you!

Mulch is NOT offered during Extreme Clean events, but will be back in August at Bulk Trash.

Remember, if you need help, Venture Crew 1409 is available, but you must schedule in advance by contacting Daniel White at 512-413-0097.  As they offer this service as a fundraiser for the Crew, they ask for a $20 minimum donation.  Please tip accordingly.

This is a collaborative effort from your Wells Branch Neighborhood Association (WBNA) and Wells Branch MUD.  Volunteers are always welcome!

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call or text 512-656-0654.  Thank you!

Upcoming Events!

Wells Branch Eco Fair
Saturday, April 28 • 2-5pm

WB Rec. Center • 3000 Shoreline Drive

On April 28, Wells Branch MUD Recreation Dept., together with local volunteers, will be hosting this free event.  We’ll have booths with vendor demos, hands-on activities for both children and adults, and give-aways.  Check the WB MUD website or WBNA.us for a schedule of speakers and topics as we get closer to the event.

Children are encouraged to participate by coloring and submitting a coloring page.  Copies are available online and at the Rec. Center.  Bring your coloring page the day of the fair and receive a prize.

Find more information and download your coloring sheet at wellsbranchmud.com.

We’d love to have your help!  If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact one of the Team Leads:

Healthy Food and Home:  Vicky Linsalata, vickylin@austin.rr.com

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:  Debby Thompson, deborah_thompson@earthlink.net

The Great Outdoors:  Shelley Palmer, spifala@gmail.com

Alternative Power/Fuel:  Stephen Hochstetler, srh2pjh@gmail.com

Water Conservation/Waste Water/Storm Water:  Christine Taylor, ctaylor@wellsbranchmud.com

Get involved, make plans to attend, and stay tuned for updates!

WB MUD Spring Youth Fishing Tournament
Saturday, May 5 • 9am-Noon
Mills Pond • 15108 Wells Port Drive
Wells Branch MUD hosts its spring youth fishing tournament for ages 17 and under May 5 from 9am to noon at Mills Pond.  Enrollment into the tournament is free for all youth, with trophies and prizes being awarded at the end.  A rod and reel will be provided for those anglers who would like to borrow one.  All state fishing regulations apply.

Recycling participation continues to climb!

Way to go Wells Branch!  Our participation rate was 78.65% for the month of November and 78.3% for December!  We were down a little in volume, but more folks are participating.  Our recycling efforts for November & December brought in $714 & $682 respectively to buy trees for the park system.  Please, recycle wherever you … Continue reading Recycling participation continues to climb!