2024 WB MUD Board Candidates

Wells Branch Municipal Utility District Director Election

Information for November 5, 2024 General Election

The District is governed by a Board of five members that serve staggered four year terms. The District’s next Director election will be held on November 5, 2024. You must live within the WB MUD boundaries (In-District) in order to vote to in this election.*

*The elections will automatically appear on your ballot if you are registered to vote within the WB MUD.

Statements have been provided by each individual candidate without edits. WB MUD Board Candidates for Places 2 and 4 will have booths at National Night Out, Tuesday, October 1, if you have any questions you’d like to ask prior to Election Day, November 5.  Contact information is also included with their bios.  Candidates are listed in ballot order.

Moises “Moe” Solis
WB MUD Board Candidate, Place 2

My name is Moises Solis and everyone calls me Moe.  I am asking for your vote this November for the Wells Branch MUD Board of Director’s Place 2 position.  I am serving my second term and would like to complete the conservation projects that are in play.

As the treasurer, I have seen the MUD’s bank account grow to over $27M with earnings of over $1M being used to offset expenses.  This has allowed the Board to maintain our taxes at the parity rate.   The parity rate is based on the no new taxes rate from years past.

Working with the Board, the MUD has continued to plant trees, beautify our parks, trails, and entrances to our neighborhoods.  We continue to work with Travis County to secure all MUD properties and protect our neighborhoods.   The MUD continues to prove that it is well positioned to handle most types of emergencies from water main leaks to inclement weather to boil water notices.  Working with Board, the MUD continues to maintain our aging infrastructure in a fiscally sound manner.

Over the past eight years, I have worked with the MUD and the Board to clarify the limits of authority set by the Water Code.   When conflicts arise, some would have the MUD champion their positions by bending the rules in their favor.   That is what got me on the Board in 2016 when I elected to change the MUD’s policies as a Director.  I will continue to request that the MUD treat everyone the same way and not take short cuts at the expense of others.   This has led to harmony within our community.

I’d love to hear from you.  I may be reached at moises.g.solis@gmail.com.  Let’s plant the seeds of change for our common future.  Please re-elect me as your Wells Branch MUD Place 2 Director.

Moises “Moe” Solis

Margaret McGhee-Sufke
MUD Board Candidate, Place 2

Hello, I am Margaret Sufke. I have been an active Wells Branch community member for 11 years. I am a WB MUB Board candidate for place 2.

The primary responsibility of any Municipal Utility District (MUD) is to manage water and waste services. Typically MUD organizations are funded through property taxes and governed by an acting board. Our Wells Branch MUD is both special and unique, striving to go above and beyond in maintaining a magnificent park and trail system and supporting award winning parks and recreation facilities and programs.

While the current board and district team is doing a great job, direct engagement with community members has waned. Board meeting turn out is low and new residents are often unaware of the district’s functions, faculties and programs. I believe there is an area of opportunity to open up direct interaction with the residents of Wells Branch. In the past community involvement has driven several successful programs (e.g. Trees for Trails) and should be part of future program development.

My volunteer activities include supporting the WBNA since 2013 and serving as president for the last four years. WBNA duties include various safety, recycling and neighborhood programs, as well as the WBNA newsletter and calendar. Additional participation efforts extend to community programs such as the WB MUD eco and cultural diversity fairs and the 4th Fest and Pioneer Days. I founded and chair two community clubs, the WB Photo Club and the WB Mahjong Club. I am also an active member in the Silver Branchers group. For me it’s all about the community.

I look forward to hearing your ideas.  I can be reached by voice or text at (208) 869-5224, email at mmsufke@gmail.com, or leave a message at (512) 341-0428.

If elected, my goal is to increase resident awareness and involvement in our wonderful Wells Branch neighborhood though on-going development of the MUD district services and programs. May I count on your vote?

Jon Klekman
MUD Board Candidate, Place 4

I have completed my paperwork and entered the race for a new term as MUD Board director, Place 4. It has been an absolute privilege to step up and serve this community as your director these past two years. I want to continue to help make our community the best around from greenbelts to infrastructure and in-between.

With an eye towards maintaining the natural beauty, wildlife and programming here, I would like to continue working with the board and staff to keep our community the destination that we look forward to returning to each and every day.

I look forward to your continued support on November 5th. As always, I enjoy hearing your feedback and thoughts about our community.  I may be reached at JKlekman@wellsbranchmud.com.

Join the Wells Branch Civics Club Facebook Group for more info on the upcoming candidate forum. https://www.facebook.com/groups/731715727945074