Since 1985, the Wells Branch Neighborhood Association has been a unifying force in our great neighborhood and North Austin. Our all-volunteer group are active members of our community and the region and many have continued in leadership roles in Wells Branch and beyond.
Our efforts have allowed Wells Branch to become one of the great communities in Austin and as partners with the Wells Branch MUD, led to the development of our extensive parks, the construction of the Community and Recreation Centers, protection of our schools, better traffic management and controls and equity with toll roads just to name a few.
As Wells Branch has evolved so has our Association. Many of our long time residents remain active with the Association and continue such traditions as the publication of the Neighborhood News, the Easter Egg Hunt, 4th Fest Silent Auction, National Night Out, Pumpkin Painting in the Park and our Graveyard Photos at Trunk or Treat. We’ve hosted the Friday night portion of Luminary Fest for the last few years offering arts and crafts for the children inside the community center along with refreshments. In addition to our regular events, we’ve sponsored numerous safety seminars, including a self-protection class titled “Don’t Become a Victim” given by the Travis County Sheriff’s Office and a Teens & Moms Safety Seminar last year as well as several Teen Safety Seminars over the last few years. We’ve also hosted multiple candidate forums for School Board Trustee and MUD Board elections.
In February, we have our Annual Meeting and Elections. Next comes our Easter Bunny Hop at the beginning of April, and then we’re into months of prep work for the Silent Auction. Add six editions of the newsletters each year and you can see, we’re busy all the time.
Being a member is easy. Though membership is voluntary, your $20 dues and our newsletter advertising are the only source of funding for the Association outside of the Silent Auction held on July 4th which we use to support the Easter Egg Hunt and National Night Out as well as numerous educational and safety meetings throughout the year.
Without our events last year, we haven’t been able to promote MEMBERSHIP. As you can guess, membership is even more vital to our survival than ever. The Jan/Feb newsletter will contain a self addressed envelope and membership form on the back page or you may download one HERE. If you’d link to join in time to vote in the WBNA election, we’re also offering our online Square link: It’s quick and easy! Please be sure and enter a valid email address.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our first ZOOM meeting of the year on February 18, at 7pm. We’ll have more on the link via email and Facebook this weekend.
We’re grateful for your support!
WBNA Board Update –
WBNA Annual Meeting & Elections
Thursday, March 4, 2021|7:00pm Via ZOOM!
ZOOM Invite to be posted here, the WBNA Facebook page, and WB Google Group on Sunday, February 28.
All residents (both in-district and out-of-district) are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. Membership must be current in order to vote in the election or run for office. There’s a self addressed envelope inside and membership form available on page 12, or you may join at our online Square link: It’s quick and easy! Please be sure and enter a valid email address.
In February of 2016, the membership voted to adopt two year terms and assign place numbers. Odd numbered places are to be elected during odd years; even numbered places are up for election in even years. This February, we’ll be selecting board members for Places 1, 3, 5, and 7. During 2020, the WBNA organization witnessed several significant changes, to say nothing of the issues brought on by the COVID19 pandemic. As governed by the WBNA Bylaws, suddenly vacant roles within the organization were filled by appointees pending ratification at the next general meeting. Places 2 and 4, held by Darci Marter and Juli Thatcher, respectively, will be up for ratification at the meeting. Place 6 is held by Pamela Woodward.
In addition to these places, the following current board members are willing to continue serving the neighborhood in 2021/22 and will be seeking re-election. They are:
Place 1 – Lara Bennett
Place 3 – Donna Malone
Place 5 – Jon Klekman
Place 7 – Margaret Sufke
Additional nominations will be taken from the floor.
Help Shape YOUR Community! Get Involved!
The WBNA is quite literally a labor of love. It was created by and is run by VOLUNTEERS. We need your membership, but more than that, we need you! Please consider joining the WBNA and volunteering your time and talents. Newsletter skills? Great at fundraising? Ideas for new events, educational seminars or activities?
Join WBNA and help make a difference in our community!
Looking good.