The beauty of the lights and the joy of everyone in the neighborhood coming together to share a little holiday spirit is one of the things that makes Wells Branch so special. It was exciting to see all the different groups working together for the community and the magic of the season in the adults as well as the children. All had a glow about them.
While lighting the luminaries on Saturday, our almost four-year-old granddaughter came upon Santa, quite to her surprise. He burst through an open window and shouted, “Ho, Ho, Ho. Have you been a good little girl?” This encounter left her speechless for a good half hour. When she saw her siblings later, she shouted (breathlessly), “He’s here! The REAL Santa – I saw him!!!” Since I had the privilege of going on all but one of the trips through the neighborhood, I feel like I got to spend time with everyone who came out and each trip was a DELIGHT. Not a cross word was spoken; the spirit of goodwill, friendship and joy was ever present. This is what it’s all about!
MUD Board Director and Rec. Committee Chair, Janet Maxey, commented Friday night that she was so excited to see so many old friends and new faces at Luminary Fest. “It reminded me of the early days in Wells Branch. It’s good to see volunteerism making a comeback.”
Thanks so much to all of you who made Luminary Fest happen –- » Santa, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to be in Wells Branch for our Luminary Fest
- » the MUD Board for letting WBNA host Friday night and providing the food & drinks
- » the MUD staff for doing such an incredible job lighting the park with luminaries, all the planning and organizing, driving the hayride (both nights) and for running the show on Saturday
- » Scott Ballenger, who never grew tired of the hayride parking in front of his house so that we could enjoy his light show
- » all of the neighbors on Crystal Shore, Sandy Side, and Oceanna Ct. who did such a beautiful job of decorating our caroling route
- » George & Wanda Holcombe for greeting all the guests as they arrived Friday night and making everyone feel welcome
- » the ladies from WB of WB (Women Businesses of Wells Branch) for keeping the refreshments flowing and running the activities in the Community Center: Debbie Brown, Paula Rigling, Kim Lanicek, and Tammy & Lexie Le
- » the crew from the Wells Branch Community Library for helping all the children with crafts Friday night: Donita Ward, Beth Hydak, Allison Steger, Dianne Koehler, Jill Traffanstedt, and Natalee Corbett
- » the countless volunteers from Wells Branch Community Church for taking Santa photos both nights
- » Rebekah Wachholz & Jeremy Hearn for singing carols to the crafters in the CC on Friday
- » Virginia Almon for keeping traditions alive by teaching children how to string cranberries & popcorn
- » BSA Pack 140 and Troop 1409 for running the campfire and toasting marshmallows both nights and for lighting the luminaries on Saturday
- » all the friends & neighbors who helped in so many ways: Don Harrell, Toni Camacho, Becky Moore, Katie Moore, Meaghan Cruz, Gareth Deakes, Gus Kohn, Travers Hough, Shannon Best & Madonna Johnson
- » Henry & Owen Bennett and Keith Upton for selling glow necklaces to raise money for Brown Santa
- » my trusty caroling assistants on Saturday, Kaitlyn, Nathan, & Hannah Kohn and Brianna Woodward
- » And a special “Thank You” from me to these WBNA Board members: Lara Bennett, VP; Tom Cheshire, Community Liaison; Pam Wachholz, Editor and MUD Board Director, Janet Maxey
We live in a great community thanks to all of you (not just those listed above). Celebrate it every chance you get!
***If I’ve left anyone off, please know that it was unintentional and contact me at the link below so that I can remedy the situation. See “Community” for photos of Luminary Fest.