The WB Photo Club has been around for about seven years now. We are an informal group that meet once a month to discuss all things “photography”. We’ve hosted several hands on sessions, sponsored field trips and helped to document many of the local Wells Branch community events.
We encourage anyone interested in learning more about photography to drop into a meeting. You do not need professional equipment or a specific skill level. All Wells Branch community members are welcome.
Recent tips, tricks, topics and links showcased in our meetings:
NEW! Google NIK Collection (An amazing tool kit, that’s FREE)
Downloadable plug-ins that simplify photo editing:
Photographic Tutorials and Educational Resources:
Scott Kelby: An Excellent Resource:
Tony Northrop (video): 20 Things Most PHOTOGRAPHERS Get WRONG – YouTube (YouTube)
Tony’s Book: Tony Northrup’s DSLR Book: How to Create Stunning Digital … Photos (ebook or softcover) excellent field guide in ebook format
How to Photograph Everything (Popular Photography): 500 Beautiful Photos and the Skills You Need to Take Them: (Search on — consider an ebook
How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera: by Tom Ang (Search on
Tom Ang’s web site: — Also search YouTube for Tom Ang; there are several great short courses online for free.
Understanding Exposure, 3rd Edition: by Brian Peterson
WB Photo Club: 2022 Update by Margaret Sufke
2022 brings a fresh outlook and the start of the 8th year of our neighborhood photo group. As the pandemic continued to limit group functions in 2021, several members contributed to the community spirit by posting seasonal photos and actively participating in the 2022 Wells Branch Community Calendar photo contest.
We’d like to recognize club members, notably Rob White, Dave DeVore, Arlie Pfeifer and Candice Noble, along with many other friends and neighbors, who posted some amazing photos to the WB Facebook page. A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed, your efforts were greatly appreciated by the entire community.
The WB Photo Club was founded by Margaret Sufke and a handful for core members. During the last two pandemic years the group has waned, though last November we had an excellent session on editing techniques with Dave DeVore.
Moving forward, it is with great reluctance, Margaret will be stepping back as group chair. Her WBNA board duties have outstripped her resources. The group is looking for a new “shutter-bug” to step up and chair the group. Margaret will help with the transition. If you’re interested in taking over or just have questions, please contact Margaret at or leave a message at 512-341-0428 and she’ll return your call.
In addition, the group needs to consider taking a more active role in helping to photograph Wells Branch events. That commitment is part of being a community club—and using the resources at the WB MUD Rec. Center.
As a starting point, the group has obtained some extra lighting gear and some additional studio equipment, such as lighting booths, a back drop stand and various reflectors. The goal is to share the equipment with the club members, via some sort of check out process. The next step is to start up this program.
As the seasons roll by, please head out onto the trails, into the gardens and enjoy capturing all that our community has to offer, albeit with safety in mind.
Happy New Year and happy snapping!