
Wells Branch Traditions

by Debby Thompson, WBNA President

As an American, I’ve grown up with traditions.  I’ve chosen to embrace them and pass them on to my children and grandchildren as well as most of the kids in my immediate neighborhood.  I feel traditions are an important part of our culture: of any culture.  They give our children roots and a past that they can connect to and remember always, fond memories they associate with their childhood well into adulthood and something they can pass on to their children: a heritage.

eb croppedI ask each of you to take a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in this great community.  Each year we’re  provided with so many opportunities to gather as friends, neighbors and family: everything from children’s fishing tournaments to movies in the park throughout the year.   All the children look forward to the annual Easter Egg Hunt at KF Park.  We celebrate our heritage with Pioneer Day at the Homestead and an absolutely spectacular Independence Day (July 4th) celebration.   Adults gather on Memorial Day and Labor Day for some grown-up fun, and then we’re into fall.

1375236_658282687538541_2030227353_nThis fall is going to be fantastic.  We start out October with National Night Out where our community comes together to take a stand against crime, meet with local law enforcement and enjoy a meal together.  So, don’t forget Tuesday, October 6th.  Next, Halloween celebrations close out the month with Trunk or Treat in the parking lot at KF Park.  We had a great Web shotturn-out last year – Let’s make this one even better!  Don’t forget the Thanksgiving Potluck  at the Rec. Center –  Saturday, November 21, 6-8pm, and bring a dish to share.  Turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes, bread and beverages will be provided by the MUD.

CarolersOur Luminary Festival continues to grow with participation from all facets of the community this past year.  Continuing the tradition, the WBNA will be hosting Friday night’s events and the Wells Branch MUD will host Saturday evening.  See  our Home Page for details as we get a little closer to December as there are lots of exciting events planned for that weekend.   We’ll have Dianne Koehler leading the free childrens’ arts & crafts in the Community Center both nights with Jessica Shepherd on Saturday.  Our lovely Victorian Santa will be holding court in the Homestead both nights with free photos provided by Wells Branch Community Church.  We’ll have live music and the Kiddy Train oLiam Ward & Debbie Brown make reindeer ornaments.utside on Friday & Saturday nights and best of all, our newest tradition, the caroling hayride, is back and on both nights this year with earlier/later hours (5:30-9:30pm) so that everyone will have a chance to ride.  Gather your family, friends and neighbors and join us on Friday & Saturday, December 11 & 12 from 6-9pm both nights for all the festivities at KF Park and the Community Center.

Our Wells Branch events have become Traditions – All of them!  We truly are fortunate and I haven’t even touched on the opportunities provided by our scouting organizations, churches, schools and library.

This has been a wonderful year (like always). Take a look around and see what you’d like to be involved in and jump in!  Volunteer!  Participate!  Be a part of the tradition of Wells Branch!

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