**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, February 20, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, February 22, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
CANCELLED: WB Cultural Diversity Fair hosted by WB MUD Rec. Dept. & the WBNA | WB MUD Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
This event has been cancelled. Get ready to travel the world right here in Wells Branch! Please join us in celebrating the amazing cultural diversity we have within our wonderful community.
The 2025 Cultural Diversity Fair marks the return of this exciting special event. The last Wells Branch “CDF” was held in February 2023. We had nearly 15 countries represented, each community member sharing their culture from around the world through food, music, dance and activities. We are looking to beat that number this year, past years included more than 20 countries and several outstanding performances.
on Saturday, February 22, 2025 01:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Adult Event | **Asian Herbal and Spice Tea | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
Learn about tea making in diverse Asian Cultures, make your own blend, and enjoy tastings.
on Saturday, February 22, 2025 04:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, February 24, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, February 27, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Adult Event | **Court of Thorns and Roses Trivia | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
How much do you know about the world of ACOTAR?
on Thursday, February 27, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
American Red Cross Blood Drive | WB MUD Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Wells Branch MUD is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive at the Recreation Center. Donations are always in high demand, so save lives and consider donating!
To donate, visit the link below and enter the Recreation Center zip code (78728). Scroll to the option that says Wells Branch Recreation Center, and select your time to donate!
Link: wellsbranchmud.com/parks-a-recreation/events.
on Saturday, March 1, 2025 09:00 am to 03:00 pm
WB MUD Keep Wells Branch Beautiful (KWBB) Spring Volunteer Day | WB MUD Disc Golf Course on Owen Tech
Spend a morning at the Wells Branch Disc Golf Course and join us for the Keep Wells Branch Beautiful (KWBB) Spring Volunteer Day on Saturday, March 1 from 9am - 12pm. We will be removing invasive plants and will also help keep our community clean by picking up trash along the way. Trash bags, grabbers and tools to remove the invasive plants will be provided. Participants are highly encouraged to wear closed-toed shoes, a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and a hat for protection. Receive a free KWBB t-shirt if you register before February 25. Please remember to add your size when you register! Shirts will be distributed onsite at the event. For more information and the link to register please visit the wellsbranchmud.com website. Hosted by the WBMUD Parks & Rec. Dept.
on Saturday, March 1, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Adult Event | **First Saturday Crafting - "Felt Flower Wreath" | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
on Saturday, March 1, 2025 04:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, March 3, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, March 6, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, March 8, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, March 8, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Wells Branch Wild Conservancy Meeting - Urban Water Harvesting | WB MUD Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Join us for the Wells Branch Wild Conservancy's monthly meetings to learn about important topics that impact our local habitats! Meetings are held at 9 AM on the second Saturday of each month in the WB MUD Rec. Center, 3000 Shoreline Drive.
This Saturday, Chris Maxwell Gaines from Innovative Water Solutions will explore the different rainwater harvesting options available to Wells Branch residents.
We hope to see you there!
on Saturday, March 8, 2025 09:00 am to 09:00 am
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, March 10, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, March 13, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB MUD March Open Mic Night | WB MUD Community Center | 2106 Klattenhoff
Showcase your talents and enjoy live entertainment at our November Open Mic Night! No matter the skill you want to showcase, this is your chance to shine among your neighbors. We invite all performers beginning or advanced to take the stage. It’s an excellent opportunity to show off your skills and connect with fellow community members who share your passions, or simply cheer on your neighbors as they display their talent. Light refreshments will be provided for the whole family, so sit back, relax, and savor the entertainment. Brought to you by WB MUD Parks & Rec. Dept.
on Thursday, March 13, 2025 07:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Adult Event | **Bad Art Night | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
Create a disaster-piece with recycled items.
on Saturday, March 15, 2025 04:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, March 17, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB MUD presents St. Patrick’s Day Bagpipes Concert in the Park | Courtyard at KF Park | 2106 Klattenhoff
Put on your best green outfit and come out to our St. Patrick’s Day Concert! Celebrate with a complete marching pipe band performing Irish and Scottish music. March behind the Silver Thistle Pipes as they lead a parade through KF Park, ending with a performance in the Community Center Courtyard. This event is free and for all ages (cancelled in the case of inclement weather). Hosted by the WB MUD Parks & Rec Dept.
on Monday, March 17, 2025 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, March 20, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, March 22, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, March 24, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, March 27, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, March 31, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, April 3, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, April 7, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, April 10, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Extreme Clean SPRING! | WB MUD Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal Drive
For details, please visit: http://www.wellsbranchmud.com/bulk-items/bulk-trash-household-waste-2
on Saturday, April 12, 2025 08:00 am to 02:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, April 12, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
American Red Cross Blood Drive | WB MUD Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Wells Branch MUD is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive at the Recreation Center. Donations are always in high demand, so save lives and consider donating!
To donate, visit the link below and enter the Recreation Center zip code (78728). Scroll to the option that says Wells Branch Recreation Center, and select your time to donate!
Link: wellsbranchmud.com/parks-a-recreation/events.
on Saturday, April 12, 2025 09:00 am to 03:00 pm
Wells Branch Wild Conservancy Meeting - Spring Bird Migration | Mills Pond & WB Community Center | 2106 Klattenhoff Drive
Join us for the Wells Branch Wild Conservancy's monthly meetings to learn about important topics that impact our local habitats! Meetings are held at 9 AM on the second Saturday of each month in the WB MUD Rec. Center, 3000 Shoreline Drive.
Celebrate spring migration with our first Mills Pond Birding Mini-Conference. Partnering with Travis Audubon and TPWD for an early morning bird-ID walk, followed by presentations at the WB Community Center.
We hope to see you there!
on Saturday, April 12, 2025 09:00 am to 09:00 am
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, April 14, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, April 17, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, April 21, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, April 24, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, April 26, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, April 28, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, April 30, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, April 30, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, May 1, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, May 5, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, May 7, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, May 7, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, May 8, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, May 10, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, May 10, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, May 12, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, May 13, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, May 14, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, May 14, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, May 15, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, May 19, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, May 21, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, May 21, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, May 22, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, May 24, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
We play games from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday games will not be played during the Summer months.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Monday, May 26, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, May 28, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, May 28, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, May 29, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, June 4, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, June 4, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, June 5, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, June 12, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, June 14, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, June 14, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
**Adult Craft Classes | WB Community Library | 15001 Wells Port Drive | **Advance Registration Required at wblibrary.eventbrite.com
A variety of classes and projects are offered for any skill level. Supplies are provided and space is limited.
on Wednesday, June 18, 2025 06:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Wells Branch Drop-in Mahjong Club | WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive | Room 101
Please join us! The WB Drop-In Mahjong club is a very active group. We typically have 3-4 tables going and play 3-4 games at each meeting. It’s a great way to learn the game and there is always someone ready to share the secrets of the game with the newer players. We now have two club sets, but an extra set is welcome, so please consider bringing a set if you have one.
UPDATE: During the winter months, the club will NOT meet during the monthly WB MUD Bingo Night events. Make plans to play bingo instead!
The club is open to all members of the WB Community. Beginners and seasoned players are welcome. We play the American four player version and try to balance folks between skill levels and games so that new players may learn in a comfortable environment. A club brochure is available at the WB Rec. Center or contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com or 208-869-5224.
on Wednesday, June 18, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Silver Branchers (WB Seniors Group) | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive
Open to active adults, the Silver Branchers bring neighbors together for camaraderie and fun. Join this welcoming group for social activities, board games, and great company.
Registration for the Spring Trip to Jourdan-Bachman Farms is now available. We are still working on plans for a Summer and Fall trip.
On day trips, you are responsible for paying your entrance fees and meals. We'll arrange to car pool when we gather at the Rec Center before heading out. Please RSVP by calling Wells Branch MUD customer service at 512-251-9814 or in person at the Wells Branch Recreation Center before the cut off date.
For more info or to join the email list, call Glen at 512-461-1665.
on Thursday, June 19, 2025 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, June 28, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, July 8, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, July 12, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, July 12, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, July 26, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, August 9, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, August 9, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Monday, August 11, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, August 23, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, September 9, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, September 13, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, September 13, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, September 27, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Extreme Clean FALL! | WB MUD Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal Drive
For details, please visit: http://www.wellsbranchmud.com/bulk-items/bulk-trash-household-waste-2
on Saturday, October 11, 2025 08:00 am to 02:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, October 11, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, October 14, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, October 25, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, November 8, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, November 8, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, November 11, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, November 22, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
WB Photo Club | WB Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline Drive unless otherwise noted on Facebook or the Google Group - Watch for announcements!
Meetings are drop-in format and everyone is welcome. The club includes members of all skill levels from those just starting to enjoy the photographic hobby to semi-professional enthusiasts. The group shares tips, tricks and offers to help to those new to the hobby.
Watch for updates via the WB Google Group, WBNA Facebook Page, WB Photo Club Facebook Page, and wbna.us. Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke at mmsufke@gmail.com.
on Tuesday, December 9, 2025 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day | Parks & Facilities Yard | 13905 Thermal
For more info, visit: http://wellsbranchmud.com/services/bulk-other-items
on Saturday, December 13, 2025 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
St. Andrew's Food Pantry | 14311 Wells Port Drive
The Food Pantry is open from 9am to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month except for December (2nd Saturday only). Households can select fresh produce, canned/non-perishable food items, bread, milk, meats, diapers, period products, and other essentials. All are welcome!
on Saturday, December 13, 2025 09:00 am to 12:00 pm