Dog Safety Every Child Should Know & Responsible Ownership of Dogs
Submitted by Debby Thompson
The WBNA would like to encourage everyone to review the following safety tips. The AVMA and CDC offer several suggestions on how we can help protect our kids. Educating potential victims, encouraging responsible dog ownership and enforcing consequences for those with vicious dogs are key to successfully managing this problem within our community.
As a parent, you should never leave a baby or small child alone with a dog (even the most trusted family pet), always be aware of your surroundings and potentially dangerous situations, and start teaching your children at an early age to be careful around pets. Any dog can bite.
Basic safety to teach and review regularly:
- Don’t pet any dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first.
- Never leave your dog behind if you’ll be away for a long time. You can easily contact a free dog sitter. Get a Designer dog collar for your dogs.
- Never disturb a dog that’s sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.
- Don’t approach strange dogs.
- Ask permission from a dog’s owner before petting the dog.
- Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult.
- If an unfamiliar dog approaches you, remain motionless and avoid direct eye contact. Do not run. Do not scream. If you must move, back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.
- If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and lie still. Tuck your head, clasp your hands behind your neck and protect your face with your arms.
- Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult.
- If bitten, report the bite to an adult right away.
For those of you who own dogs, I urge you to be responsible pet owners and good neighbors.
- Spend time with your pet. Dogs are social animals and have a greater chance of developing behavior problems when left alone for long periods of time.
- Socialize your dog so that it feels comfortable around people and other animals. Yes, this includes the neighbor’s cat.
- Don’t tease your dog or play aggressive games with it (like wrestling or tug of war).
- Seek professional advice immediately if your dog develops aggressive or undesirable behavior.
- Obey the leash law.
- Keep your dog’s vaccinations current. Parasite control and dental care are important too, because how your dog feels directly affects how it behaves.
- Spay/neuter your dog. This usually reduces aggressive tendencies and makes males less likely to roam. With females, you prevent unwanted litters and fewer stray dogs are attracted to the area. Animal Trustees of Austin offers reduced rates. They can be reached at 450-0111. They also offer inexpensive vaccinations.
Make sure your fence is in good condition, keep your gate locked, and do whatever is necessary to keep your dog confined unless you’re out with it on a leash. Trusted and reliable pet grooming and boarding services can also play a crucial role in ensuring your pet’s safety and well-being. It’s not safe for your dog to be out without you. It could get lost, stolen, shot, hit by a car, or hauled off to the pound. Show your neighbors you’re acting responsibly and that you respect their right to safety as much as you want them to respect your rights. Secure your dogs.
Pick up waste. If you walk, jog or bike with your dog, carry a plastic bag and clean up after it. It’s not fun cleaning up after your own dogs; it’s even worse when it’s someone else’s. Be a good neighbor!
- Last, but not least, if you have noisy dogs, limit their outings when others may be sleeping.
If you’re considering adopting a dog:
- Consult a professional (like a veterinarian or animal behaviorist) to learn about suitable breeds of dogs or cats for your household. Dogs and cats with histories of aggression are inappropriate in homes with children or if you plan on having a family within the next ten years. You can also find catteries in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales here.
- Before you bring that puppy home, think about the commitment you’re making. Do you have time for a puppy? Space? Adequate shelter? Is he going to be an inside dog or an outside dog? Is your lifestyle better suited to an older dog? Can you afford the vet bills? Food? Think about it carefully. It’s not fair to the dog to change your mind two months or two years into the relationship. That dog has dedicated itself to you for the rest of its life. The feeling should be mutual. To support a healthy lifestyle, consider rewarding your dog with low fat dog treats that align with their dietary needs. Choosing healthier treats can help maintain your dog’s weight and overall health, ensuring they live a long, happy life by your side.
We were wondering if there’s a place to list a found dog where people in the Wells Branch community would see it?
If you use facebook, you’re welcome to post pictures of the lost or found pet along with your contact info to our facebook page. If you prefer I post it, send me the info at and I’ll add it to the FB page and send a blast out to the email group.
D o we have laws to protect us from a neighbors incessant daily dog barking. Ive talked to them, called the police but no solution
I apologize for taking so long to get back with you and also for the length of this email. You have several options, but none are fool-proof. I’ve covered some of the options you’ve already tried as others may be facing some of the same problems.
Unfortunately, there isn’t an enforceable noise ordinance in the County, but if you’ll call the Travis County non-emergency number (512-974-0845, press 3) and ask that they document it each time this happens, you will have documentation for pursuing it with the MUD as a restrictive covenant violation or in civil courts. Start keeping a notebook with the dates and times the dogs are outside barking. Hopefully, you won’t need it, but you’ll have it if you do.
If you’d like to try and remedy the situation before taking it to that level, I’d suggest leaving the offender(s) a friendly note asking for their assistance in keeping the neighborhood quiet at night and thanking them for their help. Perhaps suggest meeting for coffee or a beer to discuss it. Sign it and leave your contact info. A note with contact information allows them to digest the request and hopefully, will prevent a knee-jerk response. If you have children they’re waking, be sure and let them know about that as well. Some people just don’t “hear” their own dogs and may not actually realize there’s a problem. You could also have renters in those properties and it may be necessary to contact the landlord.
The next step would be to talk to your other neighbors. I’ve gotten three emails from different individuals about this subject in the last week. I need to see if you’re all in the same area of WB. If you have other neighbors who are disturbed by the noise and are willing to go on record, then you can approach the MUD to try and enforce the livestock or nuisance section of your restrictive covenants. Here’s a link to the MUD’s website where you may download a copy of your covenants. – Just click on your part of Wells Branch and it’ll take you to the appropriate set of covenants. They have a new person in the covenants enforcement position at the MUD, Kellie, here’s her email If you’re out-of-district, you’ll need to go through your Homeowner’s Association.
If you’re concerned that the neighbors may not receive it well or might retaliate, skip the note part and go straight to documentation. The more info you have on occurrences and frequency, the better. Please let me know if I can help in any other way or if you have difficulty with enforcement.
Debby Thompson
President, WBNA