
Our Safety section features articles on everything from securing your home and Neighborhood Watch to personal safety and domestic abuse.  The Travis County Sheriff’s Office has shared a wealth of information and while we try and run something in each newsletter, we felt it would be beneficial to have the bulk of it available on the website.  We hope you’ll take a few moments to look around on our drop downs!  See below for seasonal safety articles.

Because We Care about Kids Safety

Following the motto “Because We Care,” the Pflugerville Fire Department (Travis County ESD No. 2) serves nearly 100,000 people in across 77 square miles in northeast Travis County including Wells Branch. This month, our Safe & Well Message is about KIDS SAFETY at home and in the car.

Road injuries are a leading cause of PREVENTABLE deaths and injuries to children in the United States, and Wells Branch is no exception. National studies show about three out of four car-seats are not used correctly. Common car-seat mistakes are harnesses adjusted too loosely, the chest clip placed too low or too high, the wrong type of car-seat for your child’s age or size, and using the incorrect harness slot. Properly installed and adjusted car-seats dramatically reduce a child’s risk of death in a car accident.

Would you like help installing your child’s car-seat, or ensuring that you installed it correctly? Certified car-seat installation technicians are here to help in our area:

But just because your children are getting bigger doesn’t mean they are ready for only a seat-belt or moving up to the front seat with you! Kids who have outgrown a forward-facing car-seat should transition to a booster seat. When sitting in a booster seat, their lap belt should fit low and snug across the hips, and the shoulder belt should be snug across the shoulder – NOT behind the back or under the arm. Kids generally need to use a booster seat until they are at least 4 ft. 9 in. tall and weigh 80-100 pounds. For most kids, they’ll be between 8 and 12 years old.
Always Remember:
• Use a car/booster seat for every trip – even when you’re just going down the street.
• Select a car/booster seat based on your child’s age and size, and always follow the manufacturer’s directions.
• Make sure your car/booster seat is compatible with your vehicle by checking the car-seat manufacturer’s instructions.
• Keep kids in the back seat at least through age 12.
To learn more about car-seat safety, please visit: