Summer Success!
By Debby Thompson
Donations from neighbors allowed “Give a Kid a Summer” to buy ten one-year recreation passes for neighborhood kids in need. You know me, I would think it was a huge success even if we even if we had only helped one kid and this year, we were able to buy twice as many tags as last year. Thank you so much for your contributions: Mike & Donna Howe, Brad & Linda Caramagno, Katherine Brinegag, Jonathan & Kara Chapman, Ed & Kay Peterson, Tammy Le and my husband, Gus Kohn, who supports all of my “causes”.
Kids NEED a place to “be” anytime – not just summertime. We have wonderful facilities available in Wells Branch: two pools and a recreation center – safe, clean environments with adult supervision. I know for a fact the kids we bought passes for used these facilities every single day and what’s more, they appreciated having someplace to go. I’d like to thank Matt and the staff at the Rec. Center for providing leadership and positive adult role models. You’ve made a difference in these teens’ lives. And a special thanks to Paul for giving the kids rides home (and ice cream).
Thank you, everyone, for taking this opportunity to help these kids enjoy their summer vacation safely.