Category Archives: Health & Fitness

4 Ways to Naturally Boost Immunity

by Morgan Simon, WB Resident

Fostering a healthy immune system is, understandably, top of mind for everyone right now. In addition to a global pandemic, we’re also in the middle of winter which naturally sees a spike in seasonal illnesses like cold and flu. (1) Thankfully, there are many things we can do to naturally boost immunity – several of which can be done without spending a penny or leaving your home! Continue reading 4 Ways to Naturally Boost Immunity

Inspiring Hope for those with RA and other Autoimmune Diseases

Friends-of-the-Wells-Branch-Library-Logo-(Outlines)-(extra-large)Autoimmune diseases are on the rise. The Friends of the Wells Branch Community Library is proud to sponsor this event.

Think powerfully … Think positively … As if every moment depends on it. Because it does. This the wisdom of Lora Tucker Kaasch, who will present her message of hope in honor of Arthritis Awareness Month.  Attendees will receive a copy of Lora’s eBook “Thrive with RA: Build Momentum and Create a Life You Love,” which is applicable to almost every chronic illness. If you’re suffering from tourettes syndrome, then you might also want to look into tourettes syndrome cannabis treatments here.  Having a positive mindset as well as nutrition and fitness tips will be introduced. Lora will also share her patient checklist which includes important questions to ask the doctor to ensure having an active role in the health care process. And if you are currently looking for a course that will fit your wants, then you may consider having a career in the medical industry. At you can compare the different types of physical therapist assistant careers and programs.

This free program will take place at the Wells Branch Library, 15001 Wells Port on May 31 at 3:30pm.  Use this link to register:

Hope to see you there!

Wells Branch Eco Fair

Save the Date! • FREE Family Event!

Saturday, May 9 • 1-4pm • WB Rec. Center • 3000 Shoreline Drive

Learn about water conservation, alternative energies and healthy practices for your yard, your home and your family at the Wells Branch Eco Fair. Held at the WB Recreation Center from 1-4pm, the event is free and will feature information and tips from industry experts and your knowledgeable neighbors, as well as educational fun for the kids.

For more details, please see insert in the next issue of the WBNA Neighborhood News due out on March 21.

Wells Branch Winners • Aquathon!

aquathonFrom Katie Hutcheson –

Thank you to all the participants of the 2nd Annual Wells Branch MUD Aquathon.  The event took place on Saturday, September 7th at the Willow Bend Pool and the Wells Branch MUD trails.  All the participants did a fantastic job and worked hard to get to the finish line!  Posted below are links to the official results and photos.

Also, thank you to all the volunteers that came out to help make the event a success.  It could not have happened without your help!

Look forward to seeing y’all next year!

Aquathon Results 2013 

Aquathon Photos

Insights on Aging for Boomers and Beyond

Submitted by Steve Weikal

St. Andrews Presbyterian is hosting a conference, Insights on Aging for Boomers and Beyond, on Saturday May 4, 2013 from 8:00 am until about 4:45 pm.

Those of us organizing this program recognize that we and our neighbors could use some help in navigating the choices we have to make as we and our families move beyond middle age. We have discovered that there are quite a few resources out there. There are people willing to share what they have gone through. We hope to begin sharing these insights with our neighbors.

Conference Objectives

To give attendees an overview of the issues and resources available to an aging population

  •  To provide resources and contacts that attendees can use to deal with their own or a family member’s situation
  • To create communities of interest for attendees to develop ongoing support groups.

Who Should Attend?

Those whose parents are healthy but aging

  •  Those whose parents are ailing and in need of additional care options
  • Anyone who wants to plan ahead for successful aging

Special Keynote Presentation

Presented by Jim Comer, Author of:

 “When Roles Reverse: A Guide to Parenting Your Parents”

In 1996, Jim Comer returned home to Texas after 30 years to care for his father, who had suffered a stroke and his mother who had Alzheimer’s. Parenting his parents was a life-changing choice that led to a successful speaking career, a re-discovery of real family values, and the writing of When Roles Reverse: A Guide to Parenting Your Parents. Jim helps others learn from his difficult, demanding and often hilarious experiences, as he became an overnight parent. His goal is to encourage families to plan ahead and talk candidly about the decisions they face.  From his 14 years of care giving, Jim helps audiences deal with challenges and find joy in showing up for their parents.

Admission is $10 per person which includes refreshments and lunch.  Click “HERE” to register.

Allergies Bothering You in Closed Winter House?


One fifth of all Americans suffer from allergies affecting the sinuses and lungs. During the winter, everyone is trying hard to keep the house warm and closed off from the outside air. Unfortunately, that also seals up the indoor atmosphere where certain pollutants can irritate allergies. These pollutants include dust mites, pets and mold. The way to eliminate the irritation caused by these things is usually as simple as removing the source. The room you most need to focus on is the room you sleep in. Here are a few tips to help keep the sneezing and sniffing to a minimum this winter.

  • Keep your house properly ventilated and get fresh air on a regular basis.
  • Keep upholstered furniture to a minimum in your bedroom and vacuum it frequently.
  • Cover you mattress, pillows and box springs with an impermeable covering. Dust mites thrive in bedding.
  • Unclutter the room as much as possible to keep down dust and dust mites.
  • Vacuum and dust as frequently as you possibly can. Have someone who is NOT allergy-prone do this, since these activities can really aggravate allergies.
  • Try to keep your bedroom uncarpeted. Dust mites love carpeting, and even vacuuming twice a week can’t combat them.
  • If you can’t keep your pet outdoors, at least keep them out of the bedroom, and for heaven’s sake, don’t let your pet sleep with you!
  • Avoid high humidity. Run humidifiers only when the heater is running.
  • Don’t run humidifiers in the room with the door closed.
  • Use super-fine furnace filters and change them frequently (at least once a month).

Quick Tips for AVOIDING those Holiday Pounds

By Michael Massie, BAAS, CPT

Every year, you tell yourself it’s going to be different this year. You’re going to have willpower. You’re going to avoid eating all that junk your family, co-workers and neighbors foist on you each year. You’re going to exercise religiously through the holidays so you can get a head start on your New Years weight loss goals…

And every year, it’s the same old story. You party more than you probably should, you eat more than you probably should, and between giving thanks, having a very merry Christmas, and auld lang syne, you gain between five and ten pounds. And if you’re like many Americans, those pounds will be permanent, despite your best efforts at keeping your resolutions in the New Year.

So what can you do to avoid a replay this year, and maybe even take off some weight from last year as you pursue your New Years weight loss goals? Simple; you can follow the simple tips I’m about to share with you for avoiding those holiday pounds.

Continue reading Quick Tips for AVOIDING those Holiday Pounds