Category Archives: Neighborhood News

Rescheduled for October 10!     National Night Out
America‘s Night Out Against Crime

Free Food • Great Company • Door Prizes!
Tuesday, October 10 • 6-8pm • Gazebo at KF Park

Join your Wells Branch neighbors for our night out against crime, Tuesday, October 10, from 6-8pm at the gazebo in Katherine Fleischer Park.  People can click here if they want help for DUI on private property cases. The WBNA will be serving up FREE hotdogs, sausage wraps, fruit & veggies, sodas and chips.  For dessert, we’ll have the Friends of the Library handing out Culver’s delicious frozen custard (while supplies last) at their table which just happens to feature their brand new 2018 Best of Wells Branch calendar.  And don’t forget the door prizes!

Distinguished guests from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office, ESD No. 2 Fire Dept. and Precinct 2 Constable’s Office will be on hand to visit with residents and answer questions.  Both children and adults will have the opportunity to talk with first responders, receive information on Neighborhood Watch and other programs available to residents, and tour the fire safety house and fire truck that ESD No. 2 will have onsite.  We may even get a peek at one the District’s new ambulances! Come find out what’s going on in our community and discuss with local law enforcement officers and politicians what you can do to help reduce the opportunities for crimes to occur in our neighborhood.
National Night Out’s purpose is to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts, build neighborhood spirit and strengthen our law enforcement-community partnership.  Help send the message to criminals that Wells Branch is organized and fighting back. It is adviced to have a peek here if you need the best criminal lawyers. The questions people ask is, If I got charged for carjacking how bad would it be for me?

Take a stand against crime.  Turn on your porch light and come join your friends and neighbors at the park for food and fellowship.  If you have a Neighborhood Watch group on your block (or even if you don’t) we’d like to encourage you to come eat dinner with us, listen to the speakers, and then return home to your street and gather with your neighbors over dessert to discuss how you can make your homes and our community safer. You can know that if in case of violation of probation see Leppard Law and get quick justice.

We hope to see you there!

FOL 6th Annual Huge Community Garage Sale!

Reserve your space at for the FOL community garage sale Saturday, September 23rd from 7am to Noon in the WB Community Library parking lot, 15001 Wells Port Drive.

Sell your treasures!  Find NEW treasures!

Don’t want to be a seller?  You can donate any items you don’t need to the FOL booth; all proceeds go to library programs.

Whatever you choose, come have coffee with your neighbors and shop the many vendors all in one place!

The Best of Wells Branch!  Now on Sale!

Our 2018 Friends of the Library Calendar is on its way!  Sales start September 23 rd at the FOL Garage Sale.  Over 200 Wells Branch neighbors voted for their favorite photos at FourthFest.  Special thanks to volunteers Marie Streusand and Debbie and Tom Zimmer for their help on the 4th.  Come see if the photos you voted for are in the calendar!  After all, it is “The Best of Wells Branch!”

Annexation Relief at Long Last

by Derek Cohen, Ph.D.
Wells Branch Resident

On August 15th, Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 6 into law, curtailing the authority of home-rule cities to unilaterally annex surrounding areas.

Historically, annexation was used as a mechanism for budding cities to grow organically beyond existing borders.  As unincorporated areas developed and became less distinguishable from the neighboring city, annexation provided a legal framework for extending municipal services – and subsequent tax obligations to fund them – to the annexed area.  However, after decades of dubious land grabs, unfulfilled service obligations, and manifold increases in municipal tax rates, Texans have realized that annexation is best executed when both the city and residents of a targeted area negotiate from equal footing.

This is what SB 6 enshrined into law: that residents are brought within the boundaries of a city democratically when it serves the mutual interest of both parties.  If Austin were to move to annex Wells Branch, the move would have to pass a democratic vote.

The complexity of the existing local government code and the enacted legislation has led to some confusion surrounding whether or not Wells Branch is still eligible for annexation.  Specifically, the bill exempts areas that are presently operating under strategic partnership agreements (SPA) with the annexing municipality.  Oftentimes, these agreements establish a date certain for annexation.

Unfortunately, for the residents of River Place and Shady Hollow – two outlying areas with annexation agreements in place – jurisdictions with existing SPAs are exempt from the bill’s protections.  The concerted showing of citizens from these areas during open testimony on the legislation underscored how important the issue has become.  Luckily, Wells Branch is not party to such an agreement in place with the City of Austin.  Unless we were to enter into one before December 1st, the full protections of SB 6 apply to us.

There is one lingering point of concern.  Well Branch is currently under a consent agreement with Austin to provide water and wastewater service to the District; an agreement due to expire in the not-too-distant future.  At this time, the District will have to renegotiate certain terms of its relationship with Austin, which distally affect how much water costs its residents.  As with most monopolies, there is nothing to restrain the seller from drastically increasing the price to consumers.  While the legation includes a clause that prohibits retaliatory price increases, loose language renders this measure largely unenforceable.

There may come a future date where it is in the mutual interest of the residents of Wells Branch and the City of Austin for the district to become fully and formally part of the city.  SB 6 does not prevent this from happening; it simply ensures that all of our neighbors have direct input in the process.

Get to Know Your Neighbors at the Library!

by Brittany Hecker, Adult Program & Service Librarian, WBCL

Strong communities start with strong relationships.  The people of Wells Branch are a close-knit community, with a wealth of talent and a friendliness that can’t be beat!

To celebrate and enrich this sense of community, the library is hosting a Community Meet & Greet Event on July 9th from 3:00-5:00pm.  Get to know your neighbors and develop new friendships!  Adults, families, and kids of all ages are invited to drop by to talk, play, and create with other Wells Branch residents.  We’ll have board games, ice-breakers, crafts, and a face-painter for the kids!  It’s a fun way to beat the heat and meet other wonderful neighbors in our community.  Refreshments will be served.  Whether you’re new to the area or have been here for years, come by to make some new friends this summer!

No registration needed.  For more information, email or call the library at 512-989-3188.