Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar Training THIS Saturday!

September 28 | 10:30-11:30am
WB MUD Rec. Center | 3000 Shoreline

We need Volunteers to help get all our Wells Branch peeps registered! It only takes about an hour to get certified and you can be as involved (or uninvolved) as you’d like. Training enables you to be a resource to new neighbors, at community events, school PTA/PTO meetings, church functions, and social groups. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors!

Certification doesn’t expire until December 31, 2020!  It’s good for the next 15 months.  We’d like to be able to offer registration at our area apartment complexes as well as numerous community events.  We can’t cover it all without YOUR help!  Please consider volunteering.  Feel free to share this training opportunity with friends and co-workers.  The more, the merrier!

If you’d like to be a part of this effort (however big or small), we have a training session set for Saturday, September 28, 10:30am at the Rec. Center, 3000 Shoreline Drive. We need an approximate head count so that Travis County can bring adequate supplies. Reserve your spot here: https://forms.gle/FCukfZWwQGG7vaxP6

WBNA 2020 Calendar Contest

We all agree, Wells Branch is a beautiful place. The theme for the 2020 calendar is “Nature of Wells Branch”. We’d like to capture as many images as we can which feature birds, animals, flowers, gardens, landscapes, and trails and more. While people always add interest to photos the main subject should be a natural subject–the nature found in Wells Branch.

WBNA 2020 Calendar Contest rules and entry forms are now ready.  The Wells Branch MUD has graciously agreed to let us use the Rec. Center at 3000 Shoreline Drive for entry drop-off and display as the photos come in.  This year’s theme is “Nature of Wells Branch”.  Both current and past pictures are welcome.  Each photographer will be allowed to submit up to six (6) photos.  The WBNA will be accepting additional entries through August 31, 2019.  Voting will continue through the evening of August 31 during the MUD sponsored Labor Day Casino Night.  Winners will be announced on September 8, 2019.  The calendar will be available for purchase at National Night Out on October 1.

For Complete Contest Rules, click HERE.

For the Entry Form, click HERE.

Save the Date!  August 11th – 4pm

Dungeons & Dragons Launch at Inclusive Game Group at the WB Community Library, 15001 Wells Port Drive.

The game Dungeons & Dragons, aka D&D, is heavily featured in the hit TV show Stranger Things, but how does one go about learning this hobby if they don’t already have a friend that has mastered it?  This is a question that Girl Scout Sarah Berver has wondered about.

She loves playing D&D with her older brother and his friends, along with all of the pop culture references it generates, but has found that this 45-year-old game is still thought of as a “boys’ hobby.” The game is frequently presented to new players in a way that comes across as overly complicated, even in beginner starter sets. This can cause novice players to give up on learning how to play the game. So if you want a quick game that’s not heavy on the learning curve, sites like 겜블시티 are your bestfriend.

For her Girl Scout Silver Award project, which is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn, Sarah has partnered with the Wells Branch Community Library to develop D&D Starter Kits that will be available for check out. The kits will contain the official 5th Edition D&D Starter Set along with a number of accessories and cheat sheets she’s putting together and her own “Girl’s Guide to D&D” pamphlet to help players be able to jump in and learn the game while playing. Discover advanced betting features at คุณสมบัติการเดิมพันขั้นสูงที่ UFABET and take your wagering to the next level.

Sarah would like to thank PE Structural Consultants, Rouges Gallery, and her Girl Scout Cookie sale customers for making this project financially possible.

Find out more at the Dungeons & Dragons Launch at Inclusive Game Group at 4 pm on August 11th at the Wells Branch Community Library.