Category Archives: Neighborhood News

Silent Auction Volunteers Needed!
Are you ready to help?

Each year the WBNA hosts a Silent Auction during the annual 4th Fest celebration. This auction is our BIG fundraiser for the year. We are actively seeking event volunteers to help solicit items, help prepare the baskets and/or work the auction. Follow the sign up link if you’re interested in helping out. Shifts are two hours. Feel free to sign up for more than one slot if you would like. We would love the help.

We have developed an online system to help folks register as a WBNA volunteer. We recently published a video clip highlighting how to sign up as a volunteer. Please follow the link to learn more: Volunteer Video

Sign up HERE:

Here’s an insider’s tip. If you volunteer for the 4thFest Silent Auction you’ll get a preview of this year’s auction goodies, while helping to stage the auction items. How about a ride on the WBNA parade float? If you help decorate it, you can ride it—it’s worth an early start! Want to experience the excitement of the closing bids? Volunteer to be a closer and get ready to move quickly. Whatever you to choose do—we can promise that you will have fun at the 2022 4thFest Silent Auction.  Plus, there’s air conditioning inside!

Opportunities Include:

  • Sunday, July 3rdStaging, Set up, Signage 1:00 – 4:00 pm
  • Monday, July 4thFloat Prep, 8:30am – Parade is at 10:00am
  • Monday, July 4thSilent Auction, many slots available, bidder registration, runners, closers

Remember, it’s the volunteers that really make everything happen. Please consider joining our volunteer team, even if you can only give a couple of hours for a single event or help out behind the scenes—your contribution helps the entire community succeed.  Watch the WBNA.US website, follow us on Facebook and please consider volunteering at the 2022 4thFest!

2022 Silent Auction Donations Request

Each year the WBNA hosts a Silent Auction during the annual 4thFest celebration.  This auction is our BIG fundraiser for the year.  Funds raised help to pay for all the WBNA community events: the Easter Egg Hunt, National Night Out, our participation in Halloween Trunk or Treat, crafts at Luminary Fest as well as the town hall meetings, candidate forums and safety awareness sessions throughout the year.  We are excited to be hosting the auction once again during the WBMUD Independence Day celebration.

Last year we introduced a hybrid format of an online auction and a “live” event for the final bids on July the 4th.  The live event will be in our traditional venue at the WB Community Center from 9:00am – 2:00pm, July 4th.  The online auction will go live the week before.  Watch the WB Google Group, our website, and the Facebook page for updates.  A link will also be included in our Summer Issue of the Neighborhood News.

Friday, June 24:  The Silent Auction site goes live!

Saturday, July 2:  The Silent Auction site closes and we transition all active bids and make arrangements for all “Buy It Now” items.

Monday, July 4:  The live auction opens at 9:00am and closes at 2:00pm.   Payments and Pick Up will be from 3:00 – 5:00pm.  Buy It Now items made be purchased throughout the auction.

In addition to giving back to our community, donating to the WBNA Silent Auction is a GREAT way to promote your business!  We are seeking donations of merchandise, gift cards/certificates, theme baskets, and services to auction.  In return, you will receive exposure for your business at the live auction and on the auction website.  There will also be a special “Thank You” section in the September issue of the WBNA Neighborhood News and on our website and Facebook page with links to your site.  If you have items or services to donate please email us at

Along with our local businesses, services, and Austin area attractions, we would LOVE donations from the community.  We will begin accepting donations May 28.  Donations to be included in the online auction must be received by June 20.   Live auction donations will be gratefully accepted through June 30.  We would also like to welcome the return of baked goods donations, please contact Margaret Sufke, 512-341-0428, for details.

We are actively seeking event volunteers to help solicit items,help prepare the baskets and/or work the auction.  If you have any empty baskets leftover from last year, we’d love to have them!  Please email us at and watch for our new social media volunteer site.

Thank YOU for supporting the Wells Branch Community!

2023 Wells Branch Community Calendar Photo Contest Underway!

The WBNA is excited to host the 2023 Calendar Photo Contest!  The contest is open to the entire Wells Branch community; there are no age limits!  We would love for our young photographers to share their talents.

The 2023 contest theme is “Visions of Wells Branch.”  Selected photos should inspire feelings  of community as seen through the events, people, places, and wildlife within Wells Branch.  Capture and submit your favorite images of our wonderful neighborhood!  Remember anyone who lives in Wells Branch can submit a photo (or up to six photos).  The image format is 8×10 landscape for the calendar.  The only real “rules” are that images must be taken within Wells Branch by Wells Branch residents.

We have started to receive entries and are anxious for more!  Please review your favorite photos of Wells Branch and submit your best shots!

For the Official Entry Form, click HERE:

For Official Rules, click HERE:

The Wells Branch MUD has graciously agreed to let us use the Rec. Center at 3000 Shoreline Drive for entry drop-off and display as the photos come in.  Both current and past pictures are welcome.  Each photographer will be allowed to submit up to six (6) photos.  Each photo must be accompanied by an Official Entry Form.

Enter photos from June 1, 2022 to September 16, 2022.  We will continue to accept electronic submissions for consideration through September 16, 2022 at 5:00pm.  All entries will be displayed at the Wells Branch MUD Rec Center, 3000 Shoreline Drive, and in the WBNA Facebook page album: 2023 Calendar Contest.  Winning photos will be announced September 20, 2022 and the new 2023 Calendars will go on sale at National Night Out, October 4!

Questions? Contact Margaret Sufke, Calendar Contest Coordinator, at or 512-341-0428.

Heat Stroke: Know the Signs

Pflugerville Fire Dept./Travis County ESD No. 2

During hot and humid weather, your body has a harder time cooling.  When the body heats up too quickly to properly cool itself – or when too much fluid/salt is lost through sweating or dehydration – the victim may suffer heat exhaustion or heat stroke which is very serious.  Below are tips on preventing heat stroke, recognizing its symptoms, and first aid. And remember: never leave kids, pets, or disabled adults alone in parked cars … not even for a few minutes!  Have a safe and enjoyable summer everybody.


• Slow down! Reduce, cancel or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day
• Even if you don’t feel thirsty, proactively bring and drink plenty of water (not very cold) or other non-alcoholic, decaffeinated fluids
• Prevent sunburn through sunscreen, sunhats, and minimizing direct exposure to the sun; a sunburn reduces your body’s ability to cool down
• Dress in lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing to reflect heat and sunlight
• Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salad
• Take a cool bath or shower
• Spend time in air-conditioned locations
• When the room temperature is hotter than 90°, don’t direct the flow of portable electric fans toward you because the dry, blowing air may further dehydrate you


•Altered mental state or confusion
• Hot, red, dry, or moist skin
• One or more of these symptoms: dizziness, throbbing headache, nausea, shallow breathing
• Rapid and strong pulse
• Fainting or loss of consciousness
• Body temperature 103°F or greater


• Heat stroke is a severe medical emergency! Call 9-1-1 or get the victim to a hospital immediately
• Get to a cooler setting, preferably air-conditioned
• Do not give fluids
• Reduce body temperature with cool cloths or a bath
• Use a fan only IF the heat index is BELOW the high-90s

So much of what we have and celebrate in Wells Branch came from this man’s hard work and inspiration. Our community would not be what it is today had we not had Chuck here to lead us.

Chuck’s children asked that we share their invitation with all of Wells Branch. Please join us in celebrating a life well lived.  Please RSVP to for food ordering purposes.