Silent Auction Volunteers Needed!
Are you ready to help?
We have developed an online system to help folks register as a WBNA volunteer. We recently published a video clip highlighting how to sign up as a volunteer. Please follow the link to learn more: Volunteer Video
Sign up HERE:
Here’s an insider’s tip. If you volunteer for the 4thFest Silent Auction you’ll get a preview of this year’s auction goodies, while helping to stage the auction items. How about a ride on the WBNA parade float? If you help decorate it, you can ride it—it’s worth an early start! Want to experience the excitement of the closing bids? Volunteer to be a closer and get ready to move quickly. Whatever you to choose do—we can promise that you will have fun at the 2022 4thFest Silent Auction. Plus, there’s air conditioning inside!
Opportunities Include:
- Sunday, July 3rd: Staging, Set up, Signage 1:00 – 4:00 pm
- Monday, July 4th: Float Prep, 8:30am – Parade is at 10:00am
- Monday, July 4th: Silent Auction, many slots available, bidder registration, runners, closers
Remember, it’s the volunteers that really make everything happen. Please consider joining our volunteer team, even if you can only give a couple of hours for a single event or help out behind the scenes—your contribution helps the entire community succeed. Watch the WBNA.US website, follow us on Facebook and please consider volunteering at the 2022 4thFest!