Redistricting Hearing Update!

AUSTIN’S HEARING HAS BEEN REINSTATED! Thank you to everyone who wrote to the Senate redistricting committee/their reps and shared/tweeted. Don’t forget to sign-up to give testimony and/or submit written testimony. Helpful links below!
Are you tired of being gerrymandered? Now is your chance to be heard by the TX Senate Redistricting Committee, who will redraw our US Congressional Districts this session! Virtual hearings are held via Zoom. **3/1: Our Austin area regional hearing has been rescheduled for March 11th beginning at 9am. You may speak at ANY of the 3 remaining hearings March 11th – 13th.** Testimony is limited to 2 minutes.
Here is the **3/1: REVISED list** of hearings and links to register for each:…/Regional-Hearing-Schedule…
Submit written testimony:
Redistricting Committee website:
Texas Legislative Committee Redistricting Website:

Submit Extreme Weather Comments to House Inquiry

by Salvador & Nina Aguirre

The Texas House of Representatives has a committee that will be addressing our recent winter experiences on Feb 25, 9:00 AM.

You can send public comments directly to the committee before February 25, 2021 using this form:

If you are interested in listening to the February 25th, 9:00 AM committee hearing, here is the link:


You can also call and/or email your State Representative, Senator, the Governor, and Attorney General directly regarding your thoughts and opinions of energy and water shortages during the past week.
State Rep. District 50 – Celia Israel
State Senator District 14 – Sarah Eckhardt
Governor – Greg Abbott
Attorney General – Ken Paxton
Additional source from Senator Eckhardt:
Tomorrow at 9am, the Senate Business and Commerce Committee will be holding a hearing on last week’s failures that caused widespread blackouts. Make your voice heard. Use the link below to send your thoughts directly to the B&C Committee.

Are you tired of being gerrymandered? 

by Jeaneane McNulty, WB Resident

Are you tired of being gerrymandered? Did you know Wells Branch’s US Congressional District #17 stretches north past Waco, east into Leon County, and includes just a tiny sliver of the counties that Wells Branch actually belongs to? Now is your chance to be heard by the TX Senate Redistricting Committee, who will redraw our US Congressional District, as well as state districts this year! With the loss of federal redistricting oversight in 2013 (“pre-clearance”), public input is vitally important to ensuring an open process that results in fair boundaries that are non-partisan and non-discriminatory. The last three regional virtual hearings (via Zoom), including the one for the Austin area have been postponed due to the winter weather crisis. Keep checking the links below or follow Wells Branch Dems, WBNA and/or Wells Branch Melting Pot on Facebook for new dates as they are known. You may speak at any hearing. Testimony is limited to 2 minutes. You may also submit written testimony if you prefer – or do both!

Redistricting Testimony Resources:

• Submit written testimony:

• Redistricting Committee website:

Scroll down the Committee website above to access the ‘2021 Regional Hearings” link and sign up to testify via Zoom.

• Non-partisan testimony guides:

• Non-partisan virtual testimony training:

WBNA Annual Meeting & Elections

Thursday, March 4, 2021|7:00pm Via ZOOM! 
ZOOM Invite to be posted here, the WBNA Facebook page, and WB Google Group on Sunday, February 28.

All residents (both in-district and out-of-district) are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.  Membership must be current in order to vote in the election or run for office. There’s a self addressed envelope inside and membership form available on page 12, or you may join at our online Square link:  It’s quick and easy!  Please be sure and enter a valid email address. Continue reading WBNA Annual Meeting & Elections

COVID Food Supply Heroes: Locked down but not out!

by Margaret Sufke

During the early stages of the COVID19 lockdown, basic food stuffs and household goods were hard to come by. Many folks were scrambling to find the essentials like flour, eggs, fresh produce, toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Several local area small business owners stepped up and went above and beyond to help our neighbors get what they needed most.

This is our first chance since the lock down began to showcase these local heroes, shinning the spotlight on Wells Branch businesses that demonstrated a real sense of community spirit: Branch BBQ, Dream Bakery, Four Seasons Chinese Restaurant and Oasis Pizza & Café. Continue reading COVID Food Supply Heroes: Locked down but not out!