Redistricting Hearing Update!
AUSTIN’S HEARING HAS BEEN REINSTATED! Thank you to everyone who wrote to the Senate redistricting committee/their reps and shared/tweeted. Don’t forget to sign-up to give testimony and/or submit written testimony. Helpful links below!
Are you tired of being gerrymandered? Now is your chance to be heard by the TX Senate Redistricting Committee, who will redraw our US Congressional Districts this session! Virtual hearings are held via Zoom. **3/1: Our Austin area regional hearing has been rescheduled for March 11th beginning at 9am. You may speak at ANY of the 3 remaining hearings March 11th – 13th.** Testimony is limited to 2 minutes.
Here is the **3/1: REVISED list** of hearings and links to register for each:…/Regional-Hearing-Schedule…
Submit written testimony:
Redistricting Committee website:
Non-partisan testimony guides:,
Texas Legislative Committee Redistricting Website: