WB MUD presents:  Food Truck Fridays!

Join us for Wells Branch MUD’s Food Truck Fridays! This week, May 31st, Mama’s Soul Food/BBQ will be serving Brisket/Ribs/Chicken/Sausage/Boudin/Hamburgers/Hot Dogs/Baked Beans/Potato Salad/Pasta Salad and Kona Ice will have all their yummy shaved ice flavors.

Come share supper at KF Park with your friends and neighbors!  There’s plenty of room for the kids to run and adults to chill!  Start the weekend off right!

9th Annual WB Garden Guild Tour

Saturday, May 18 • Meet at 9am at WB Community Garden (corner of Town Hill and Single Trace) to begin the tour.
Join us at 9am to sneak a peek behind the fences and see some of the best and most interesting gardens in Wells Branch.  Take a look at how neighbors are planting to create an oasis in the shade or a sunny paradise.  We’ll visit both vegetable and flower gardens and take away lots of great ideas.

  • WB Community Garden | Corner of Town Hill & Single Trace
  • Eleanor Brooks | 14535 Donald Drive
  • Marlene Counts | 14583 Robert I. Walker
  • Heather Poitras | 2010 Gaylord
  • Barbara Romero | 2440 Rick Whinery
  • Laurie Ruddy | 14971 Doria
  • Mava Riley | 15050 Babbling Brook
  • Fauzia Dawoodally | 15054 Babbling Brook
  • Glen Garey & Noe Gonzales | 14925 Jacks Pond Rd

We will end the tour here with light refreshments and choose the winner of the 2019 Tour.

Thanks to Glen for all of his hard work recruiting new yards and for hosting the social at the end of this year’s tour!

Thanks to all the gardeners whose yards are featured on this year’s tour!

WBNA Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 20, 10:30am
Homestead at KF Park

Join your friends, neighbors and The Easter Bunny, himself, as Wells Branch welcomes Spring with the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Homestead.  “Hunts” will be by age group and begin at 10:30am.  Come early and visit with the Easter Bunny or have fun at our craft table.  If you plan on attending, please take a moment to read this article in its entirety.

Two years ago, a web source picked up our event and shared it with 133,000 followers.  As many of you observed first hand, the results were overwhelming.  Last year, we were back to Wells Branch neighbors!  ALL Wells Branch residents and their invited guests are welcome.  We know past problems weren’t with our neighbors, but more likely, those who just aren’t used to how we do things in Wells Branch.  Still, we ask that everyone be on their best behavior, volunteers included.  No yelling, stealing eggs, reaching under the tape and filling baskets before we start, or busting down the tape and charging ahead before your age group is called.  We need parents to set the example.  We’ve added a second group for the little guys as that was an issue two years ago.  It seemed to work well last  year.  ONE parent will be allowed in to help with the two youngest age groups (0-18mos & 18mos-3yrs).  We ask that you respect this restriction.  All other age groups must hunt on their own.  Feel free to coach ahead of time.  There will be 7 minutes between “hunts” to allow parents of multiple children to navigate the crowds.  Please, only allow your children to hunt with their respective age group.  Last, but not least, please remember that this event is put on by volunteers.  We spend weeks getting ready and usually stuff 8,000-10,000 eggs.  It’s no small feat.  So, if a volunteer asks something of you, please be respectful of their requests.  If for some reason, your child ends up without many eggs, any of our volunteers in bunny ears will have extra goodies.  Just let one of us know.

We love our neighbors and our community.  We’re asking for everyone’s help in advance in creating a joyful experience for all involved.

We need volunteers to help things run more smoothly.  Anyone whose kids have aged out of the hunt, or older teens who need service hours, we would be so appreciative of your time!  Please contact us for more information at info@wbna.us or call 512-656-0654.

Easter Egg Hunt RULES:

Those of you who’ve attended our hunts in the past know we have very few rules, but we do ask parents to follow those rules and be courteous  and respectful of your neighbors so that all of our children may enjoy the hunt.

Age Groups:

0-18mos & 18mos-3yrs
*Only 1 parent per child in egg hunting area
*Watch out for potential choking hazards

4-6yrs 7-9yrs 10-12yrs
* No parents allowed in egg hunting area

BE ON TIME (early is better) AS THE “HUNTS” GO QUICKLY. 
Check all eggs for prizes. • Let a volunteer know if there’s an issue. • Recycle your eggs with the WBNA. • Have FUN!


Informational Coyote Meeting TONIGHT
Thursday, March 28 • 7-8pm
WB Community Center
2106 Klattenhoff

If you’ve ever had any questions about any of our WB wildlife, please attend this meeting!  It’s only an hour and you’ll have answers to all your questions!  If you are unable to attend, the meeting will be live streamed on the WBNA Facebook page.

The City of Austin/Travis County:       No-Kill for Pets and Wildlife Alike

The City of Austin does not remove or relocate healthy native wildlife. Instead, the City of Austin/ Travis County’s Wildlife Officers work with residents to provide tailored, humane, and long-term solutions to resolve conflict. It is important to report any concerning behavior to 311 so the Wildlife Officer can monitor activity.

During the winter months, coyotes may be more active as they find mates, their own territory and food. Coyotes are typically most active at dawn and dusk, though they may be seen hunting or traveling during daytime hours. During March-November, coyotes will have pups in the den. Coyote behavior is influenced by season. During denning season, coyotes may see large dogs a threat to their pups. Coyotes may use a flushing technique to protect their pups. Hazing is a technique used to influence coyote behavior throughout the country. Evidence suggest that hazing is more effective than lethal measures. It is really simple to haze a coyote to reinforce natural behavior. We want to share space, but not time. Please read the information below for more details about pet safety, hazing, flushing, and attractants.

Pet safety:

  • Keep small pets inside if possible and monitor them when outside (specifically during twilight/night time hours)
  • Avoid using extendable leashes; walk dogs on leashes that are 4-6 feet in length
  • Avoid letting dogs explore vegetation that you cannot see through
  • Provide secure shelters for poultry or other animals living outside
  • Feed pets indoors

Hazing: Encouraging coyotes to avoid contact with people. Hazing should be exaggerated, assertive and consistent.

  • Make eye contact, yell and wave your arms. You want the coyote to know the behavior is directed at it. Waving your arms will make you seem bigger.
  • Use noisemakers such as whistles, air horns, a “shaker” can full of small rocks (or something similar) or bang something like pots and pans together.
  • If the coyote does not leave immediately, throw non-edible objects near it. You can use something like small rocks, sticks or tennis balls. Remember, the goal is not to hurt the coyote, you’re trying to get it to leave and associate humans with unpredictable, “scary” behavior.
  • Spray the coyote with a water hose, water guns or spray bottles. You can also use a mixture of water and vinegar, pepper spray or bear repellant.
  • If the coyote does not leave after escalating hazing efforts, maintain eye contact and back away slowly. Notify 311 immediately.
  • Don’t haze if a coyote appears sick or injured, is cornered or displaying acceptable coyote behavior.  Please call 311 to report sick or injured animals.

Flushing Behavior:

  • If you are walking your dog near a den, a coyote may perform a flushing behavior that may seem alarming. Coyotes may see your dog as a potential threat to the pups in the den so they may walk behind you until you are out of the area. It is always about the dog, not the person. Report this behavior to 311.
  • Do not run or turn your back. Just leave the area as soon as you can and keep your pets secured
  • Avoid walking in that area and educate your neighbors


  • When a coyote is:
    • Active during the day around people or in high traffic areas such as a park, neighborhood streets/yards, parking lots, dog parks, or school grounds
    • Walking along your fence line with your dogs in the backyard
    • On your property with you or your pets present

Do not to haze:

  • At night when there is not activity
  • When a coyote is in its natural habitat such as a greenbelt, preserve, open field, or near a creek
  • When you are experiencing the flushing behavior. Coyotes are protective of their den and we recommend leaving the area as soon as possible.

Reliable Food Sources:  To keep coyotes and other wildlife wild, we can follow a few, simple preventative measures:

  • Always keep trash and compost in a secure bin
  • Keep your barbecue grill clean
  • Keep the area under your fruit and nut trees free of droppings (a coyote’s diet can be up to 40% fruit in Texas)
  • Avoid feeding pets outdoors (if you must feed pets outside, feed during the daytime and remove the uneaten food as soon as the animal has finished)
  • Feeding wildlife and feral cats can attract coyotes. In addition to coyotes eating the food, mice and other animals will be drawn to leftovers, which can subsequently attract predators such as foxes and coyotes.

For more information on hazing, attractants or reliable food sources, and pet safety, visit: http://www.austintexas.gov/department/coyotes-central-texas

For immediate assistance, call 311. To schedule a one-hour presentation with a Wildlife Educator, call (512) 978-0514.