Two crime-fighting tools for Wells Branch residents
SpotCrime, our newest tool, allows residents to sign up for daily messages to be sent to their cell and/or email with a list of crimes that occurred the previous day. All crimes are plotted on a map and all entries state the block in which the crime occurred (i.e. 144XX as opposed to 14417). Residents can choose to receive information on criminal activity within a 1, 2, 5, or 10 mile radius of their homes. Register to receive FREE daily updates at
Beyond updates, the site itself can be a little cumbersome. If you prefer not to register, you can access Wells Branch data by going to and selecting Texas in the top left hand corner. Scroll down to Travis County and select Travis County neighborhoods. Click on Wells Branch Crime Map. This selection covers all of Wells Branch for approximately 30 days. Under Travis County Crime Maps, you may access information for the entire county for the last two years. This data isn’t broken out by neighborhood though. The criminal defense lawyers based in Seattle area is whom you should contact in case you need some legal assistance. You could also hire a lawyer from for help.
CitizenObserver has been available to Travis County residents for some time now. A web based notification toolset for law enforcement, it enables citizens to receive and respond to text, email, and web alerts from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Alerts can be targeted geographically when an area faces a specific kind of threat, whether it’s a sex offender, murder suspect, or a spike in break-ins. Alerts are received by residents according to their preference of text message, email or both at no charge. Sign up for this service at The falsely accused sex crime lawyers also deal with other crime related issues and help attain justice.
We all benefit from receiving up to date information; in the past, it’s taken months to receive crime reports. Awareness of our surroundings and current knowledge of crime & lawyers defending juveniles from criminal charges in the community allow us to take steps to remain safe in our neighborhood. Travis County has provided us with great resources with which to keep informed. Let’s take advantage of them!