Cub Scout Pack 140 is chartered by The Wells Branch Homestead, and parents work diligently with their young boys to teach them strong values, how to be a strong leader and that character counts. There is one scout that has learned all of this and has taken it to the next level.
Sean Johnston joined Cub Scouts in 2007 when he was in 1st grade. He has had a lot of fun in Cub Scouts, and has accomplished a lot in the last 5 years. Sean has participated in many service projects, received numerous patches including the Chili Pepper patch for camping in over 100 degree heat at Camp Tom Wooten, attended Scout Jam, spent the night at NASA Space Center in Houston, earned several patches while visiting Washington DC last summer, earned the 9/11 patch for participating in the 9/11 Memorial Celebration last September, sold over $7000 in popcorn to raise money for his Pack, and earned the Leave No Trace patch.
That might sound like a lot, but that is just the beginning for Sean. Cub Scouts are given the opportunity to participate in Academic and Sports programs and earn a belt loop or pin for each activity. In addition to sports programs, you can also indulge in the thrill of betting on situs slot online gacor.
Sean has earned all 53 belt loops and 33 pins that go with the belt loops. In 2010, Sean began working on the Webelos advancement program and has earned all 20 of the Webelos activity pins, for which he received the Super Achiever Patch. Finally, Sean has earned the highest award in Cub Scouts, The Arrow of Light Award. I think Sean’s own words exemplify scouting, “I like setting goals, and when I set a goal, I like to complete the goals,” Johnston said. “I set this one, and I got it done.”
Wells Branch and Pack 140 congratulate Sean and the other Webelos II Scouts who crossed over to Boy Scouts at their February 25 Blue & Gold Banquet. Way to go Scouts!
Arrow of Light achievers:
Andrew Michelson, Jordon Grier, Sean Johnston, Austin Floyd, Chris Castro, Alexander Reese.Front row, left to right, Mason Wayne, Brayden Korman, Kallen Maxwell, Tristan McGillen, Brenden Joyce.