At the June 4 MUD Board meeting, President Chuck Walters suggested that based on input from the recent Visions and Town Hall meetings, the Board should look at ways to encourage greater resident input and involvement.
- Director Walters proposed “Java Jolts” be held monthly or quarterly in which individual MUD Board Directors would host coffee house meetings with interested residents to discuss current issues and concerns. Residents could meet with one or all of the board members over a short period of time to voice their opinions and offer input on matters of interest in a much less formal situation than a MUD board meeting.
- Resident involvement at the committee level was also suggested by Director Walters. Many times residents aren’t aware of issues being considered on a committee level until it comes up before the whole board. This would allow those with interests in certain areas i.e. finance or recreation, to attend the committee meetings and view backup documentation before recommendations are made to the board. Details regarding implementation and rules will be discussed at the July 2 board meeting.
- At the June 19 meeting Director Walters recommended the board return to “work sessions” at the first meeting of the month. In the past, the MUD board would focus on specific issues at these meetings, have their committee meetings in between and then have the individual committee reports along with consultant reports at the second meeting (third Tuesday of the month). Returning to this structure allows for more attention as a board working together on specific issues like disc golf or TCEQ mandates. Director Walters also mentioned inviting citizen communication not only at the beginning of the first meeting, but at points throughout.
Watch for announcements regarding these opportunities in the near future on both the MUD and WBNA websites. “Like” us (either one) on Facebook and receive updates as they become available.
*As always, the WBNA welcomes your thoughts & suggestions. What do YOU think about these proposals? Please respond under “Comments”.
Crosswalks & Traffic Signs
In response to concerns voiced at the last Visions meeting, Tom Cheshire & Janet Maxey (MUD Safety Committee) met with Travis County Commissioner Sarah Eckhardt and TNR representatives regarding signage and requests to install a 3-way STOP at the corner of Wells Port & Alpha Collier. Missing and damaged signs are being replaced throughout the district. Traffic flow on Alpha Collier doesn’t justify a 3-way stop at this intersection. However, the County will be restriping all crosswalks in Wells Branch and is considering additional signage at this intersection. The possibility of adding a flashing sign that would be activated when residents wish to use the crosswalk is an option but would cost the District $30,000 if they choose to install one.
Wells Branch District Office Relocation & Renovation of Annex on Wells Port
WB MUD will be moving their District Office from its current location at 14205 Burnet Road to the Annex on Wells Port this September. Renovations to the Annex will begin soon so that it may accommodate District staff this Fall. Only a portion of the Annex will be used for District offices; both BSA & GS meeting rooms will remain intact.
Mills Pond Dam Compliance & Risk Assessment
Director Janet Maxey requested and the board approved a Risk Assessment before any action is taken. For more information, watch and check MUD meeting agendas.
Alterations to the Disc Golf Course
These matters are currently under review. For more information, watch and check MUD meeting agendas.
Wells Branch MUD Board Committee Assignments
Administrative Committee
Donna Howe, Chairperson • Janet Maxey
Facilities Committee
Chuck Walters, Chairperson • Bob Bauhs
Finance Committee
Donna Howe, Chairperson • Tom Cheshire
Information Technologies Committee
Chuck Walters, Chairperson • Bob Bauhs
Recreation Committee
Janet Maxey, Chairperson • Chuck Walters
Safety Committee
Tom Cheshire, Chairperson • Janet Maxey
Contact Information for MUD Board Directors
Chuck Walters: • 251-6978
Donna Howe: •238-9090
Tom Cheshire: • 913-3144
Janet Maxey: • 775-3074
Bob Bauhs: • 363-7182
MUD District Manager: Jesse Kennis, II • • 251-9814