Join your Wells Branch neighbors for our night out against crime, Tuesday, October 2, from 6:30-9:00pm at the gazebo at Katherine Fleischer Park. The WBNA will be serving up FREE hotdogs, sausage wraps, sodas, chips and door prizes.
We’ll have distinguished guests on hand from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office, ESD #2 Fire Department, Precinct 2 Constable’s Office and the Wells Branch MUD to mention a few. Both children and adults will have the opportunity to visit with first responders, receive information on Neighborhood Watch and other programs available to residents, and tour the fire safety house and fire truck that ESD #2 will have on hand. Come find out what’s going on in our community and visit with local law enforcement officers and politicians about what you can do to help reduce the opportunities for crimes to occur in our neighborhood.
National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts, and to strengthen neighborhood spirit and law enforcement-community partnership. Help send the message to criminals that Wells Branch is organized and fighting back.
Take a stand against crime. Turn on your porch light and come join your friends and neighbors at the park for food and fellowship. If you have a Neighborhood Watch group on your block (or even if you don’t) we’d like to encourage you to come eat dinner with us, listen to the speakers, and then return home to your street and gather with your neighbors over dessert to discuss how you can make your homes and our community safer.
We hope to see you there!