Join the Wells Branch email discussion group for a community conversation on any and everything! Find out what’s going on with Wells Branch as it’s happening – everything from ducks, composting and crime watch to history and gardening. All residents, homeowners and renters alike are welcome. New topics are always popping up. Don’t miss out!
To join the group, send an email to the moderators at, subject line: Request to Join. The request must include your name and physical address. The Group Administrator can then add you.
Once you’re subscribed to the group, you should add “” to your contact list. Whenever you wish to communicate with your neighbors, simply send an email to this address and your email will be broadcast to all members. When responding to an email: “reply” goes to the sender of the email and “reply to all” goes out to everyone.
Send your request today!
We’ve listed a few other important sites to help get you connected. Additional links may be found on both the WBNA and MUD websites. Both sites have contact information and welcome your suggestions and input.
Wells Branch Community Library •
Wells Branch MUD •
Follow the Library, WBNA and WB MUD on Facebook. WBNA features photos of all the Wells Branch events and encourages neighbors to share their pictures as well.