July 9 • 6-9pm • Wells Branch Rec. Center • 3000 Shoreline Drive
A Public Visioning Session for opportunities to improve and/or expand the Recreation Center will be held by the Wells Branch Municipal Utility District at the Recreation Center (3000 Shoreline Drive, Austin TX 78728) on Tuesday, July 9 at 6pm.
The MUD website says:
Ben Heimsath, of Heimsath Architects will facilitate this exchange of ideas. Come prepared to hear about the Center’s current uses and a number of ideas that have been conveyed to the Board of Directors in recent months. Then participate in group tours and discussions to share your thoughts and generate new ideas. This process is just beginning! There is not a plan or program in place yet, so please come, participate and be part of the vision for the new improved Wells Branch Recreation Center!Surveys have been included in the District water bills (due out next week) and also in the WBNA Neighborhood News (delivered the weekend of June 29). You may drop off completed surveys at the Rec. Center at 3000 Shoreline Drive, the District Office at 14611 Wells Port, KF Pool at 2106 Klattenhoff Drive or mail to WB MUD, 3000 Shoreline Drive, Austin, TX 78728. To complete a survey online, click here: http://www.wellsbranchmud/recsurvey.
Your opinion is valuable. We hope you’ll take the time to make your thoughts, ideas, and wishes known.