2nd Annual Day of Disc Golf for Veterans

This event is free for all (veterans and supporters) and is held in partnership with Team Red, White, and Blue (http://www.teamrwb.org/), a non-profit with the mission of “enriching the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.”
The local disc golf group Women Throwing Frisbees will give a pre-round disc golf clinic to explain the rules of the game. Awards will be given in the veterans division. Family and friends of veterans can also participate in a “supporters” division. Loaner discs will be available for people new to the sport who want to play. Last year, over 30 veterans competed in this event, many of them playing the sport for the first time. The veterans appreciated the event, and supporters were honored to spend time with their veteran fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers, and friends. Please encourage the veterans you know to come out to the course and play.
– Brian Litke