Wells Branch MUD Notes
Your MUD Board has been busy! Follow the links below to learn about their latest actions.
Dog Park Community Focus Group
The Wells Branch MUD Board is creating an ad hoc committee to focus on dog parks and is looking for community members who would like to be a part of this committee. If you are interested please fill out the following form and submit it by October 30th.
Ad Hoc Sign Committee
At the September 1st, 2015 Board meeting the Wells Branch MUD Board considered replacing the marquees in the District. They discussed the opportunity to replace the marquee signs at KF Park and the WB Recreation Center with new LED signs. The Board decided to create an ad hoc committee to further review this topic.
If interested in serving on this committee, lease fill out the application and email it to info@wellsbranchmud.com by October 15, 2015.
Rain Water Collection information and Approval Guidelines
New detailed guidelines for rain water collection and approval process can be found HERE.
New WB MUD Board of Directors Online Message Board
The Wells Branch MUD has added a new feature to their webpage: wellsbranchmud.com. The Board of Directors has adopted a policy creating an online message board to be used by the Board to communicate and exchange information in a public online forum.
Visit wellsbranchmud.com to learn more.