Traffic & Roads Meeting Update
Notes from July 27, 2016 Traffic & Roads Meeting with Pct. 2 Travis County Commissioner, Brigid Shea and TNR Engineering Division Manager, David Greear:
It was agreed that the top traffic priority for Wells Branch should be the completion of Grand Avenue. Incomplete segments between Quick Hill Road and Crissom are due to be completed over the next few months; hopefully, by the end of the year. This will still leave the section between Crissom and Bratton to be paved. It was suggested that residents contact the owner of that property (parcel #379473) and encourage donation of right-of-way. WB resident Daniel Barnekow has reached out to the owners and will keep us posted.
In order of priority:
- TNR will conduct traffic studies on the following intersections beginning the second week of school. If determined that changes are needed, it will take approximately 6-8 weeks for the county to implement them.
- Sauls/Bratton Intersection: review for possible light
- Sauls/Crissom Intersection: review for possible 3-way stop
- Crissom/Kissman Intersection: review for possible 3-way stop
- Grand Avenue/Bratton Intersection: review for possible 3-way stop
- Sidewalk & Crosswalk review for children traveling from The Lake at Wells Branch to Joe Lee Johnson Elementary. A Crosswalk at Brad/Jack’s Pond/Bratton has been requested in the past to accommodate westbound access to the dog park and eastbound access to the pond and trail. With the elementary boundary change, it may be necessary to add a crosswalk at this location as installation of a sidewalk on the east side of Bratton from Brad up to the tunnel is not possible. Children at the far end of Haley Hollow/Doria will have to travel into and through the park in order to cross to the school via the tunnel or take the sidewalk (beginning at tunnel) up to Long Vista to cross. The WB MUD will be looking at possible ways to improve tunnel and sidewalk safety.
- Timing of traffic light at Wells Branch Parkway/Wells Port: extending time for Wells Port traffic to cross WB Pkwy.
- Signage/turn lane at eastbound WB Pkwy at I35: clarification of turn lanes and signage.
- Traffic Study for Cadoz after the extension is completed: approximately 1 year out.
- Concern over noise/traffic from new soccer fields. Possible solution to include “No Parking Signs” on Cadoz (back from the stop sign and on Shoreline on either side of the Cadoz intersection and either side of the entrance to the soccer fields. Ideal solution would be to not allow parking at all on north side of Shoreline from 1325 up to Quinley Drive. This would allow greater visibility for traffic turning out from side streets onto Shoreline Drive. Overflow parking from the soccer complex would have to be considered. Perhaps an agreement with Shoreline Church and a crosswalk to the soccer complex?
- Speed Bumps were once again requested. Commissioner Shea is willing to pursue approval of speed bumps/humps/turtles with Travis County ESD #2. The issue in the past had been that when then Commissioner Eckhardt proposed speed bumps to the Commissioners Court, all of the ESDs could not reach an agreement approving them. Commissioner Shea is willing to ask if they could be permitted on an ESD by ESD basis, rather than requiring unified ESD approval.
- Resident Dan Barnekow proposed decorative painting of crosswalks as the City of Austin has recently given approval to neighborhood designs. Benefits include a greater visibility of crosswalks to traffic, attracts use by pedestrians (as opposed to jaywalking), and allows the community to create a neighborhood identity. Commissioner Shea and David Greear said they would look into it and see if the County could implement that type of program.
- Shoreline/1325: We continue to work with authorities regarding additional turn lanes for the intersection of Shoreline and 1325. We started with Travis County, were referred to TXDOT, who then sent us to the City of Austin. The City now says it belongs back at the County level. Last word is that they’re “talking”. We’ll keep you posted.