
See websites listed below for all Travis & Williamson County Polling Locations.

Travis County Polling Locations in Wells Branch:
• WB Rec. Center • 3000 Shoreline Drive
• WB Community Center • 2106 Klattenhoff Drive
• Northwest Elementary School • 14014 Thermal Drive
• National American University • 13801 Burnet Road
• RRISD Performing Arts Center • 5800 McNeil Road (both Travis & Wilco)

Closest Williamson County Polling Location
• RRISD Performing Arts Center • 5800 McNeil Road (both Travis & Wilco)

Local elections have a greater impact on our everyday lives than national or state elections. Many of these are non-partisan. Scroll to the end of your ballot to vote for RRISD Trustees, Wells Branch MUD Directors, and Wells Branch Community Library Trustees.

Remember, if you’re running late, don’t let the lines discourage you. As long as you’re in line by 7pm, they must let you vote.

Travis County Election Sites:

Williamson County Election Sites:

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