WBNA Annual Safety Seminar
WBNA will host our Annual Holiday Safety Seminar with Captain Craig Smith of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office on Sunday, December 11 at 4:30pm in the Wells Branch Community Center on Klattenhoff. Captain Smith will discuss ways to keep our homes and families safe during the holidays and current crime trends in Wells Branch. Please make a point to join us for this informative session and PLEASE bring your questions! Refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there! If you’d like to submit questions, please follow the link at the bottom of the page.
Areas of interest from the online survey taken last month:
Types of Crimes Trending in Wells Branch: 91.18%
Holiday Safety, Vacations & Close Patrol Requests: 58.82%
Neighborhood Watch: 52.94%
Crimes of Opportunity: 50.00%
General Safety Precautions: 29.41%
Graffiti & Vandalism: 14.71%
Submitting your questions early will help streamline the event. Please follow the link and enter as many as you’d like.