WBNA Officer Elections
Thursday, February 23 • 6:00-6:30pm
WB Community Center • 2106 Klattenhoff Drive
All residents (both in-district and out-of-district) are invited and encouraged to attend and participate in the annual WBNA meeting on Thursday, February 23, 6:00pm at the Community Center on Klattenhoff, prior to the FOL Financial Seminar.
In February of 2016, the membership voted to adopt two year terms and assign place numbers. Odd numbered places are to be elected during odd years with even numbered places are up for re-election on alternate years. This February, we’ll be selecting board members for Places 1, 3, 5, and 7. Below is a list of current board members who are willing to continue serving the neighborhood in 2017 and will be seeking re-election. They are:
Place 1 – Lara Bennett
Place 3 – Donna Malone
Place 5 – Donna Lyons
Place 7 – Margaret Sufke
Additional nominations will be taken from the floor.
Please note: The full WBNA Annual Meeting and Planning Session will take place in March. Once confirmed, the date and location will be posted on the wbna.us webpage, the WBNA Facebook page and the WB Google Group.