RRISD Bond Presentation
Tuesday, April 25 • 7:00-9:00pm
WB Rec. Center • 3000 Shoreline Drive
RRISD invites parents and taxpayers to a brief informational presentation on the District’s current bond proposals up for consideration in the May 6 election. We encourage you to seek information from every source and come prepared to ask questions. To view the District’s Bond Presentation in advance, please visit: bond.roundrockisd.org/ and bring your questions!
Click HERE to RSVP for the meeting as space is limited.
Early voting begins Monday, April 24 and goes through Tuesday, May 2. We’ll have an early voting location here in Wells Branch on Thursday, April 27 from 7am-7pm at the Community Center on Klattenhoff. Wells Branch will have two local options for election day voting on May 6: WB Rec. Center, 3000 Shoreline Drive and Northwest Elementary, 14014 Thermal Drive. As always, Travis County residents may vote anywhere within Travis County and Williamson County residents may vote at any Wilco polling location. For a list of polling locations, visit: http://traviscountyclerk.org or http://www.wilco.org/elections.