Attn:  RRISD Parents & Taxpayers!

The WBNA hosted a brief informational presentation on the Round Rock School District’s current bond proposals up for consideration in the May 6 election on Tuesday, April 25.  Here’s the link to the recording:

Early voting continues through next Tuesday, May 2 with the general election on Saturday, May 6.  Please see the article below for polling places in Wells Branch.  We encourage you to seek information from every source, ask questions and make informed decisions.  Your vote is your voice!

A PAC has formed in support of the bonds (you’ve probably gotten the mailer) and parents have created a campaign to fight the bonds (in their current form).  In the interest of providing our residents with as much information as possible, here are links to each of their sites.  PLEASE research all sides and most importantly, VOTE! 

Pro Bond PAC:
Facebook Page:

Against Bond Groups:
Facebook Page:

Facebook Page:

To view the District’s Bond Presentation, please visit:

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