WB Civics Club Tax Talk Follow-Up
by Jon Klekman & Ben Williams
Thanks to everyone who came to the Property Tax Discussion.
Thank you to Travis County Chief Appraiser Mayra Crigler for attending and lending her considerable expertise!
Thank you to Leslie Little with the Wells Branch Community Library for getting us set up, promoting us, and letting our meeting run WAY long!
And thanks to Vicky Linsalata, a Travis County ESD #17 Commissioner (one of our taxing entities!) for joining us.
Also, be on the lookout for announcements from local taxing entities about their proposed rates for 2023, and see how they affect you directly!
Click HERE for Ben Williams’ PDF presentation on Property Taxes and follow the link below to the Video Replay with Live Presentation Deck synced with Ben’s talk.
We are so grateful for the folks who attended in person, those who expressed interest in this program and to the folks in the neighborhood who want to engage and shape the dialogue with our local institutions. I also need to mention that wonderful hosting and support from our very own gem, Wells Branch Community Library. We will also look to potentially live stream some of these in the future.
The next session will be held at the Library on Saturday, August 6; the topic is in formulation— stay tuned shortly for the blurb.
Link to Zoom Recording of Property Tax Talk (Wells Branch Civics Club)
We hope to see you there! – Jon & Ben