Fall is HERE!
Let’s Celebrate!!!
Live Music in the Park
Friday, October 14 • 6-8pm • Courtyard at KF Park
Wells Branch Recreation Department hosts this fall event filled with fun and live music entertainment. Bring a lawn chair and a friend to enjoy the show! In the event of rain, the concert will move inside the community center.
WBNA Pumpkin Patch
& Pumpkin Painting in the Park
Saturday, October 15 (Rain Date—October 22)
Pumpkin Patch! Pick your pumpkin! FREE!
10am-Noon in front of the Chuck Walters Pavilion at KF Park on Alpha Collier
Pumpkin Painting in the Park
10am-1pm inside the Chuck Walters Pavilion at KF Park
(enter from Alpha Collier)
Admission: 1 canned good or $1 donation to St. Andrew’s Food Pantry
Pumpkin Painting has been a WB tradition for more than a decade with real pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. It’s always a lot of fun and you get to take home a pumpkin to decorate for Fall!
WBNA Halloween Costume Contest
Monday, October 31 • 6pm
WB Community Center Parking Lot • 2106 Klattenhoff Drive
Calling all princesses, monsters, super-heroes and other-worldly beasts! We’ll be holding our annual costume contest on the Community Center steps beginning at 6pm sharp! Check HERE for updates.
Trunk or Treat
Monday, October 31 • 6-8pm
WB Community Center Parking Lot • 2106 Klattenhoff Drive
Ghosts, Ghouls, and Goblins abound in the CC parking lot on Klattenhoff where there will be a multitude of scary treats for all your little monsters as the WB MUD Recreation Dept. hosts Halloween Trunk or Treat! A plethora of enthusiastic community members will be on hand with candy. If you’d like to decorate a car or truck please visit the WB MUD’s special events page for more information and to register your vehicle by October 24.
WB MUD Frontier Family Camp Out 2022
Saturday, November 5, 4pm—Sunday, November 6, 8am
Wells Branch Homestead at KF Park
Pitch your tent around the Homestead and enjoy an evening getting back to nature! Bring your family and unplug to enjoy the glow of the campfire while spending quality time with your loved ones. Wells Branch Recreation will have activities and crafts to keep all of our frontier campers entertained. Dinner and breakfast will be provided by the Wells Branch Recreation Department. The event will begin at 4pm on Saturday, November 5, and clear out will by 8am the following morning. This event is free but will be limited to 30 families. Registration will be available beginning October 5 at wellsbranchmud.com.
WB MUD Bulk Trash Day
Saturday, November 12 • 8am-12pm • 13905 Thermal
Visit wellsbranchmud.com for details.
WB MUD Bingo Night
Wednesday, November 9 • 6:00-8:30pm
WB Rec Center • 3000 Shoreline Drive
Get your daubers ready — you’re in for a real treat! WB Rec Dept. is hosting Bingo Nights this winter. Grab your bingo buddy and lucky charm and join us at the Rec Center. The lucky winners will have a selection of gift cards to choose from. Light refreshments will be available at no cost. Bingo will begin at 6:30pm and prizes will wrap up around 8:30pm.
WB MUD Thanksgiving Potluck
Saturday, November 19 • 6-8pm
WB Rec. Ctr. • 3000 Shoreline Drive
Bring a covered dish or dessert to share with family, friends, and neighbors as we all gather for Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes, bread, and beverages will be provided by the WB MUD. Brown Santa barrels will be on-site so please bring a non-perishable food item and/or a new or gently used toy.