It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
The holidays are right around the corner! We hope you’ll join us in celebrating these wonderful Wells Branch traditions. Reach out to the new folks so they feel welcome. Take time to reconnect with family, friends and neighbors. We look forward to seeing each of you at the festivities!
Light Up the Night at Luminary Fest
Friday & Saturday, December 9 & 10 • 6:00-9:00pm
Sponsored by WB MUD Parks & Rec. Dept.
Experience the glow of the holidays as our trails light up with over 1500 traditional paper luminarias around Katherine Fleischer Park. The WB MUD Luminary Festival is a tranquil and unique community tradition for the entire family! Join us Friday and Saturday evening and witness the park come alive and the trails twinkle. Hop on a caroling hayride to nearby decorated homes or enjoy a ride on the Holiday Express Train as it travels down the lighted trails for an up-close experience of the luminaries. Santa will be making a special stop and setting up shop inside the Homestead to greet children and families. Photo ops provided. While you wait to meet Santa, children are welcome to participate in a Homestead holiday activity with our Curator, Gwendolyn Johnson, or make a craft.
Be sure to stop by the Community Center to warm up! The WB MUD will have holiday elves on hand serving up delicious hot chocolate and cookies. Both kids and parents will share in the holiday spirit creating seasonal crafts and holiday cards on Friday and Saturday evenings, compliments of the Wells Branch Neighborhood Association.
Lighting of the Luminaries – The WB MUD invites you and your family to join our community in helping to light (and re-light) the luminary candles on Friday and Saturday at 3:30pm. The MUD will have lighters on hand, but please feel free to bring your own long lighter. On Saturday, we’ll meet in the KF parking lot to hand out the new candles. Wagons are encouraged to help carry candles along the trail.
We hope to see you there!