WBNA Town Hall: TCSO Safety Meeting
Thursday, November 16 | 7-8 pm
WB Community Center | 2106 Klattenhoff
Travis County Sheriff’s Office reached out to the WBNA and offered to host a neighborhood forum to discuss our local area safety concerns. The team of officers from TCSO wants to meet with the Wells Branch community to better understand current issues, address your questions and have a dialogue with the residents.
The WBNA put together a short survey to help canvas data and questions from the entire community. The initial survey results highlighted a few insightful data points.
- Top 2 areas of concern are increased vandalism and home security
- 60% of residents are unclear on how to correctly report a crime, and only 2% have used the online tools for emergent issues
- 87% of homes have not had any type of safety inspection
- 30% of homes have no security tools in place, and 35% only have the bare minimum of motion lighting in place
- 87% reported that there is no active neighborhood watch program in place
- 88% of the residents expressed support for a security monitoring system at key access points in/out of the community
These data points from the community’s response suggest that there is an opportunity to work together to improve these figures. The key is working together to help make Wells Branch a safer place to live and raise a family. The WBNA is going to focus on rebuilding the local neighborhood watch program and develop a step by step guide to report a crime.
Make plans to attend this town hall meeting with the team from TCSO to learn more about keeping the neighborhood safe.