2024 WBNA Easter Egg Hunt Photos
Photos from the WBNA 2024 Easter Egg Hunt are up! Click HERE!
It’s always such a joy to see so many Wells Branch friends and families enjoying a day out in our community. For those wondering, we served roughly 750 children which translates to a crowd exceeding 1400. We are proud of a job well done. The park was clean when we left and several folks stopped and thanked us on the way out.
We would like to thank each and every community member personally for giving up their time to help make this event so special for so many neighbors. We even had 4 or 5 folks step out of the crowds and lend their support during and after the event. Thank you one and all; nothing can happen without volunteers. Those who helped will be listed in the May newsletter. If you’ve never volunteered for a WBNA event, we encourage you to do so. For as little as an hour of your time, you get to meet your neighbors and build community.
Janet Maxey always loved this Marjorie Moore quote:
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year but when you volunteer, you vote everyday about the kind of community you want to live in.”
So, on behalf of Janet, we’re sharing it with all our residents once again. Community is what Wells Branch is about; it’s what the WBNA is about.
Every few years, there are a handful of folks who lose sight of this goal. Our volunteers can only do so much, and with a crowd exceeding 1400 folks, things will sometimes not go as smoothly as intended. All WBNA events are hosted by the community and for the community. No WBNA event is ever a “public” event, however, we do welcome invited guests of residents. Occasionally, it’s gotten out of hand from outside promotion.
We have always welcomed feedback and suggestions—it’s the only way to improve the events. Regarding previous posts, please keep in mind: All of the Wells Branch parks are an open space, free for all (general public included) to use. Many folks may have chosen to walk to the event rather than drive, while others may have come to the park and not realized this event was taking place. As we plan for next year, we will certainly consider all the constructive feedback we received.
If anyone would like to discuss a particular topic, I would encourage you to reach out to me personally. Margaret McGhee-Sufke, WBNA President, info@wbna.us or text me directly at 208-869-5224.