Category Archives: Neighborhood News

Become a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar

If you have registered in the past as a VDR, it’s time to renew for 2023 / 2024.  If you are new to the process of registering folks to vote, it’s an easy and rewarding process and a great way to get involved in the community.

There are 3 ways to get certified / recertified. Below are two links or you can also join an in person training with Bruce Elfant.

The following link is to the online video training with a required exam at the end.

This link is the sign up for zoom training.

If you have any questions about being a VDR, you can call Meg (512 854 7801) with Bruce Elfant’s office.

Other helpful links:

TX VDR Guide:

Training Slides:


Register to Vote by Mail

It’s a new year, which means that if you want to vote by mail in elections this year, it’s time to sign up again! It is a requirement to renew your vote by mail registration every year. If you want to vote by mail in the primaries, your application must be received by February 18.

Who Can Vote By Mail?

According to the Texas State Law, you may vote early by-mail if you are registered to vote and meet one of the following criteria:

  • 65 years of age or older on Election Day
  • Sick or disabled
  • Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
  • Away from the county of residence on Election Day and during the early voting period
  • Confined in jail, but eligible to vote

Continue reading Register to Vote by Mail

Wells Branch Cultural Diversity Fair

Volunteer for the
WB Cultural Diversity Fair!
Saturday, February 25 | 1-4pm
WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Dr.

Hosted by WB MUD Rec. Dept. & WBNA

Get ready to celebrate the amazing cultural diversity we have right here in Wells Branch.  It’s never too early to start making plans.  The 2023 Cultural Diversity Fair marks the fifth anniversary of this bi-annual event.  The last “CDF” was held in February 2020, just before the pandemic shutdown.

We had over 20 countries represented, sharing their culture from around the world through food, music, dance and activities.  Each registered country may reserve a booth space (a table and 2 chairs) and is encouraged to host a wide range of cultural topics from their nation.

We will also be reaching out to local area groups and schools for international entertainment such as dance troops, ethic music and regional performing arts. Please start making plans to participate.

Sign up today: or use the QR code.

Have questions? Want to volunteer to host a country? Please contact Margaret Sufke at or call 512-341-0428.

WBNA Annual
General Meeting
& Elections

February 23, 2023 | 6:30 pm
WB Community Center | 2106 Klattenhoff Drive

All Wells Branch residents (both in-district and out-of-district) are invited and encouraged to attend the 2023 general meeting.

The WBNA Board has seven members, each serving a two-year term with assigned place numbers.  Odd numbered places are elected during odd years; even numbered places in even years.  This spring, we’ll be selecting board members for places 1, 3, and 5 and 7.  Please take a moment and meet the current board online at: Continue reading WBNA Annual General Meeting & Elections

WBNA Town Hall Meeting
Home Fire Safety with
TCESD No. 2 / Pflugerville Fire Dept.

Thursday, February 23 | 7:00pm
WB Community Center | 2106 Klattenhoff Drive

This critical home fire safety session will immediately follow the WBNA Annual General Meeting.  We are so excited to host Asst. Chief Daniel Berger from the TCESD No. 2 / Pflugerville Fire Department.  Dan and a few team members will lead an interactive “spring clean and fire safety” presentation.  Please feel free to bring kids to this session!  Dan has promised to roll “Big Red” down to the parking lot before the meeting.  Community members are welcome to view the fire truck up close and meet with the local TCESD No. 2 crew.  Truck schedule is dependent on any callouts.

Dan and his crew will also take questions from the audience regarding the current “sales tax” petition being raised in Pflugerville.  (Our neighborhood has received two direct mailings on this topic).  Please visit the TCESD No. 2 site for more information:

We are planning to host the meeting via Zoom if you’re unable to attend in person.  A few days prior to the meeting we’ll send meeting and link details via the WBNA Facebook page, the WB Google Group and the WBNA website:  Stay tuned for more details.

We look forward to seeing YOU there!