Register to Vote by Mail
It’s a new year, which means that if you want to vote by mail in elections this year, it’s time to sign up again! It is a requirement to renew your vote by mail registration every year. If you want to vote by mail in the primaries, your application must be received by February 18.
Who Can Vote By Mail?
According to the Texas State Law, you may vote early by-mail if you are registered to vote and meet one of the following criteria:
- 65 years of age or older on Election Day
- Sick or disabled
- Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
- Away from the county of residence on Election Day and during the early voting period
- Confined in jail, but eligible to vote
However, only applicants who are 65 years of age or older or are disabled qualify to apply for the Annual Application for Ballot By Mail (ABBM). Applying annually ensures that qualified voters will receive a mail ballot for ALL elections held during a calendar year. Annual applications may be submitted starting January 1 but must not be submitted later than the 11th day before the first election in which you seek to request a ballot by mail.
If you live in Travis County, download and print your application to vote by mail at:
If you live in Williamson County, download and print your application to vote by mail at:
Here are some tips when filling out the Annual Application for Ballot By Mail:
- Make sure you are registered to vote in the county you are applying to vote by mail in.
- You will need to provide you Texas Driver’s License Number, Texas Personal ID Number, or your Election Identification Certificate Number – all of which are issued by the Department of Public Safety. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
- If you do not remember what number is linked to your voter registration, it is best to provide your Driver’s License or ID Number AND the last for digits of your SSN.
- Make sure to indicate in Box 4 of the application that you are applying for the “Annual Application”. This will ensure that you get a ballot for every election this year.
- Take a photo of your signature on your application, so you will know how to sign you ballot envelopes in a similar way.
- Track your Application for Ballot By Mail and your ballots via the Secretary of State’s website.
Questions? Contact the Travis County Clerk’s Elections Division at (512) 854-4996 or, for Williamson County, Lorraine McKay at 512-943-1633 or