Wells Branch Cultural Diversity Fair
Volunteer for the
WB Cultural Diversity Fair!
Saturday, February 25 | 1-4pm
WB Rec Center | 3000 Shoreline Dr.
Hosted by WB MUD Rec. Dept. & WBNA
Get ready to celebrate the amazing cultural diversity we have right here in Wells Branch. It’s never too early to start making plans. The 2023 Cultural Diversity Fair marks the fifth anniversary of this bi-annual event. The last “CDF” was held in February 2020, just before the pandemic shutdown.
We had over 20 countries represented, sharing their culture from around the world through food, music, dance and activities. Each registered country may reserve a booth space (a table and 2 chairs) and is encouraged to host a wide range of cultural topics from their nation.
We will also be reaching out to local area groups and schools for international entertainment such as dance troops, ethic music and regional performing arts. Please start making plans to participate.
Sign up today: http://tiny.cc/WB_CDF_2023 or use the QR code.
Have questions? Want to volunteer to host a country? Please contact Margaret Sufke at info@wbna.us or call 512-341-0428.