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On February 25, around 50 residents gathered at the WB Community Center to dream and create a Vision for our community. This meeting was the brainchchild of twelve year resident George Holcombe and new resident Scott Smith. The following was presented before the actual brainstorming began:
Reason for Visioning: To gather our vision from the community to use in planning
and acting out the future.

What a Vision is and is not:
• A vision is not something we do or a plan of action
• A vision is an underlying image that motivates us, defines us, is a reason for being
• When we complain or boast about our community, we are making judgments based on our unspoken vision.
Why are Visions important: They are alive and dynamic – they move us – the clearer

we are about our visions, the clearer our actions tend to be.
Once the purpose and examples were given, residents were invited to share what they felt were the gifts and challenges of our community. Mr. Holcombe and Mr. Smith facilitated the rest of the session encouraging residents to to participate and collaborate to build a rational chart. Click Shared Vision for Wells Branch to view the chart.
2nd “Visions” meeting planned for April 1, 4-6pm, WBCC
If you missed the February meeting, the next opportunity is scheduled for April 1, 4-6pm at
the WB Community Center on Klattenhoff. The discussion will focus on the challenges to achieving
our vision.
Refreshments provided. Please join us and share YOUR vision for Wells Branch.