With the rising cost of extracurricular activities and the economy such as it is, expenses add up quickly. If your teen is in need of extra income, the WBNA would like to offer him/her the ability to advertise his/her services at $10 for 2 lines of text. All advertising must be with the parent’s permission and the understanding that the parent will review all prospective employers and assumes all responsibility for his/her child’s safety. If interested, please contact us at info@wbna.us.
Volunteers Needed: Teens 12-17 for Art Camp
Teens ages 12-17 are needed to volunteer as Jr. counselors for Art camp to be held in Wells Branch during June & July. The sessions are 3 days 4 hours per day. You will work helping the kids do their projects. Small stipend may be given or volunteer credit for HS societies. Contact Dianne at: dianne.koehler51@gmail.com or 512-827-8547.