Category Archives: Past Events

Wells Branch Library in need of “friends”

Submitted by Faye Cormier, Library Trustee

Have you ever wondered what our neighborhood would be like without the Wells Branch Community Library and all of the wonderful books, family and community events, child and teen activities and enrichment classes it provides?

Many in the community remember our neighborhood before the WB Community Library District was created.  Once residents approved the district with an overwhelming 98% vote, the Friends of the Library was formed to begin the book collection and volunteer drive.  The community response was amazing!  Within a few short weeks we had enough books on the shelves to begin lending services.  The Friends played an important role by continuing to recruit and organize volunteers and raise much needed funds prior to the district receiving local sales tax revenue.

Just as membership with the Friends of the Library played a critical role in the beginning of our library’s history, today your membership has a more direct impact on the future of our library due to the loss of the Lone Star Library Grant, cuts in the Central Texas Library System funding, a drop of 6% in sales tax revenue as well as cuts in other grant funding.  These cuts equate to a projected loss of $20,000.  this significant shortfall is why it is so important to re-energize the Friends of the Library.

All residents are invited to attend an open meeting for the Friends of the Wells Branch Community Library on April 29, 5pm in the Library meeting rooms, please watch the library marquee for the time.  Join us for an ice cream social with child care and activities for the kids while mom & dad attend the meeting.

We hope to see you there.

Attn: Teenage Job Seekers!

With the rising cost of extracurricular activities and the economy such as it is, expenses add up quickly. If your teen is in need of extra income, the WBNA would like to offer him/her the ability to advertise his/her services at $10 for 2 lines of text. All advertising must be with the parent’s permission and the understanding that the parent will review all prospective employers and assumes all responsibility for his/her child’s safety. If interested, please contact us at

Volunteers Needed: Teens 12-17 for Art Camp

Teens ages 12-17 are needed to volunteer as Jr. counselors for Art camp to be held in Wells Branch during June & July.  The sessions are 3 days 4 hours per day. You will work helping the kids do their projects. Small stipend may be given or volunteer credit for HS societies. Contact Dianne at: or 512-827-8547.

“Thank Yous” for WBNA Easter Egg Hunt

Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday: both volunteers and participants.  We had a great turnout!

Special thanks to the Bennett family who makes the Easter Egg Hunt happen each year for the WBNA.  Lara (WBNA VP) orders all the prizes, stuffs ALL the eggs and organizes the EEH.  Her husband Clay, the guy with the bullhorn, runs it.  Henry, their sixteen year old is the Easter Bunny (BTW, he’s amazing with the children) and Owen, their youngest, is EB’s bodyguard.  We wouldn’t have this event if it weren’t for the Bennetts.

Continue reading “Thank Yous” for WBNA Easter Egg Hunt

Sign up now: Alive @ 25 on May 7

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15 through
ear-olds. – National Transportation Safety Board

“Alive at 25” is a video-based 4.5 – hour class taught by law enforcement and first responders. Developed by the National Safety Council, the program teaches important decision-making skills for staying safe both behind the wheel and as passengers.

The Wells Branch MUD and WBNA held the first course in Wells Branch in December and are proud to be hosting this program again on Saturday, May 7, from 8am-12:30pm at the Community Center, 2106 Klattenhoff.  Lunch will be provided.  Through a grant from State Farm, we’re able to offer the class to participants, ages 15-24, for $10 per person. Continue reading Sign up now: Alive @ 25 on May 7

Homestead Pioneer Festival • April 16 Noon-5pm at the Homestead at KF Park

The annual Wells Branch Pioneer Festival celebrates Texas history Saturday, April 16, Noon – 5:00 p.m. The Homestead Festival is centered around the historic Gault Homestead, the 1850s-era cabin in Katherine Fleischer Park and will feature fun and educational activities throughout the day so residents can experience a taste of life in 19th Century Texas.

There’ll be lots of FREE FUN for the whole family.  Free pony rides, a petting zoo and photos with a Texas Longhorn.  Live entertainment from the Jimmy Sims Trio, Austin Banjo Club, the New Orleans Jazz Band of Austin and Better Late Than Never.  Free demonstrations and exhibits include weavers, lace makers, quilting lessons, spinners, Indian sandal making, rope making, syrup making and butter churning, antique bikes, antique guns & Buffalo Soldiers, just to name a few.

In addition, refreshments offered by the Wells Branch MUD and the Wells Branch Soccer Assn. will be available for purchase.  There will be roasted corn, turkey legs, funnel cakes, hot dogs, sausage wraps and cold drinks.

To quote Bill Todd, retired Wells Branch historian,  “The homestead is both a symbol of change and link between past and present.  Pioneer values like ingenuity, resourcefulness and recycling have endured.  Texas always will be a frontier as long as imagination survives.”

Bring the whole family and join us for a day of living history.

Volunteers are needed for the following game and demonstration stations:

Tug-O-War, Sack Races, and 3-Legged Race; Pole Climbing and Log Horse; Washer Pitching and horse shoes (games); Candle making (no fire or hot wax); Bunny stitching Craft; Cowboy Toss (game); Barbed Wire Display and Buffalo Display; Bull Lasso (needs to be able to work a lasso); Corn Sheller; Stilts, Hoop Rolling (no need to be able to walk on stilts); Syrup Making; Clothes Washing Station; and “where needed”

Any amount of time you have to give will be appreciated.  To volunteer for this event, contact Matt Fuller at 251-9814 or

Happy 100th Birthday, Ruby!!!

The Silver Branchers are celebrating our very own centenarian!

Ruby Faye Bryan Lythgoe was born April 24th 1911 in Pueblo, Colorado. She is a retired teacher who keeps all children in her heart today. Ruby became a member of Silver Branchers in 1986. She was honored by the group with a paver on her 99th birthday.

Since her retirement Ruby has volunteered with North Central Caregivers, Literacy program in Austin, and the elementary children reading program in Pflugerville schools.

Thank you Ruby for being a great mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend and mentor to all who know you.

Happy 100th Birthday with Love from Your Family & Friends!

Garden Guild Meeting Thursday!

Richard Fadal, founder of TexaScapes, will speak on Thursday evening, March 3,  at 7:00 PM at the WB library.  His topic will be the use of Organic Pesticides for Lawn and Garden.  Richard’s group maintains the WB parks, and was the first commercial service to feature the use of organics rather than chemical pesticides.  This is a very crucial area of knowledge and practice for both our lawns and gardens.  Come get your questions answered and learn the best way to control your insects and pests.  Help keep us all healthy and our waterways safe from pollution.

Please see the Garden Guild page under Community for more details.

Scouting for Food – Thanks Wells Branch!

Posted on behalf of Mendy Barnett, Pack 140 Scouting for Food Chair

Thanks to all our generous neighbors!

Our neighborhood Cub Scout Pack 140 and Boy Scout Troop 1409 held a Food Drive on January 30th.  We passed out flyers the week before in the Wells Branch neighborhood and collected over 800 pounds of canned foods!

We want to say THANK YOU Wells Branch for your generous donations, and for teaching our young boys that through service they can make a difference in their community.  All the donated items went to Gateway Church Food Pantry, which serves 100 families a meal every week.

Thank you again,

Mendy Barnett, Pack 140 Scouting for Food Chair

Editor’s note:  The WBNA would like to thank all of the adults who volunteer their time to work with our youth and instill a value system which includes community service.  Children learn by example and giving of your time and energy sets a fine example.  Thank you!

Get Involved! Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Wells Branch needs residents to step up and get involved in securing our safety!  Ever thought about becoming a Block Captain?  Come meet with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office this Tuesday, February 22, 7pm at the Rec. Center on Shoreline.  Community Outreach Officer James Kitchens will be on hand to talk about the program and answer any questions you may have.  Bring your ideas and suggestions!  We want to hear from you!

Thanksgiving Potluck 5-7pm, THIS Saturday, November 20, Dedication Grove Ceremony 4pm

ALL Wells Branch neighbors are invited to come together for the annual Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner to be held in the Recreation Center on Shoreline Drive this year from 5-7pm.   Everyone should bring a side dish or dessert to serve 10 and the recipe  of the dish so that it can be included in the Wells Branch Homestead Cookbook.  The turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes, bread, and beverages will be provided by the WB MUD. Continue reading Thanksgiving Potluck 5-7pm, THIS Saturday, November 20, Dedication Grove Ceremony 4pm

“Don’t Become a Victim”

The WBNA will be hosting a Personal Safety Seminar this Saturday from 9am-1pm at the Community Center to be taught by Travis County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Craig Smith and Senior Deputy Kim Orts.  For those of you who attended the meeting on October 21, this is an extended version with live demonstrations.

1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men will become the victim of a violent crime.    Please join us for this Personal Safety Seminar to learn how some of us inadvertently make ourselves easy targets and ways to make ourselves less likely to be targeted by a criminal.  Learn the mind-set of a predator.  Other topics include personal weapons, cell phones and social networking sites.  There will be live demonstrations.

We will be serving donuts & coffee in the morning and pizza at lunch.  Bring your questions for Sgt. Smith!  We hope you’ll join us!!!!