Submitted by Chuck Walters, President, Wells Branch MUD Board of Directors
The MUD Board has two meetings monthly whereby the first meeting on the first Tuesday of the month is a Work Session and the second meeting on the third Tuesday of the month is the regular Business Meeting. The meetings start at 6:30pm and are held at the Wells Branch Community Center on Klattenhoff unless otherwise posted.
We will be returning to concentrate on a specific agenda item for the Work Session meetings only. What will be new is the way we will provide ability for residents to have additional input on the Work Session agenda item.
- The meeting will have the regular ‘Citizen Communication’ at the beginning.
- During the Work Session agenda item, the Board and Committees will set the goal for the discussion and provide an overview or opening comments.
- During the discussion of the item, residents may step to the podium and will be recognized to share their comments with a 3 minute time limitation. Questions from Board on the comments may extend this time.
- In recognition of overall time limits to complete the Work Session item and the entire agenda the Chair may place further restrictions if needed.
This week’s Work Session will focus on the 2012-2013 budget. Please see the link below to download the agenda.
We look forward to having this added opportunity for your feedback. The Board will evaluate the process as we move forward.
Chuck Walters
Wells Branch MUD
Board of Directors