MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT of The Wells Branch Neighbors for Responsible Development (WBNRD)
6:30PM • Wednesday, August 8 • Wells Branch Community Center, 2106 Klattenhoff
This meeting of the WBNRD is to invite our Neighbors of Wells Branch to join in our opposition to The Waters at Willow Run Apartment development.
The meeting will be short, with a history of our efforts, a rundown on what is up next, and our needs to meet these challenges. Your skills are needed in this effort.
We have work to do in preparation for a coming meeting in our Neighborhood with The Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs, representatives of Atlantic Housing, and YOU, the Neighbors of Wells Branch.
For more information, click HERE or select the “Community” tab, then “Opposition” drop down. Thank you!
If you are not able to attend, but would like to participant in this effort, please email me at
Thank you for your support of our Neighborhood,
Scott Swain