Submitted by Gus Kohn, President, Friends of the WB Community Library
“Keeping it Local” by buying Wells Branch, increases revenue for the library and fire districts by increasing sales tax generated within the districts. With the purpose of growing community and merchant involvement, the Friends of the Wells Branch Community Library and the ESD No. 2 met with Wells Branch business owners in August to form a new group: the Wells Branch Merchants Association.
The Wells Branch Community Library District and the Emergency Services District No. 2 derive a substantial amount of their total revenue from ½% sales tax within the districts. It is to their advantage to support and promote “shopping local” so that neighbors support businesses within the district whenever possible. A meeting was held August 31st at the Library at which six businesses within the WBCL & ESD No.2 districts were represented. We think that was a great turnout for a Friday afternoon before a holiday! Another meeting is proposed to include more businesses in the district for planning and organization.
A listserv for Wells Branch Merchants was established. If you are a Wells Branch merchant and would like to join the WBMA list serve so that you may receive updates on their meetings and activities please email: You don’t have to have a store front to join; all merchants in Wells Branch are welcome!
We all hope this association will be a big success and look forward to watching it grow. It’s a great opportunity for business owners to meet and share ideas, concerns and collaborate on marketing. Watch the neighborhood association website for updates at>community=> wb-merchants-association.
And there’s something very professional about having a Virtually There Birmingham virtual business address, giving clients a prime city address to recognise without the overheads of a physical space. It’s been ideal for my own setup, as I can establish a solid business presence in Birmingham while still managing everything remotely. Clients find it reassuring to see a reputable address, which adds a touch of credibility that’s sometimes challenging to convey otherwise.

Founding group, Rt-Lt: Desh & Aman Dhingra (Tejas Liquor #2), Scott Smith (VP, Friends of the Library), John Grasshoff (Manager of Governmental Affairs and Support Travis County ESD No. 2), Lee Cramer (St. Farm Ins.), Shelly Hogan, DC (Chicoine Chiropractic), Chris Carby (Branch BBQ), Joy Smith (Joy Peppers), Gus Kohn (Pres., Friends of the Library)