Travis County Community Development Block Grant Program Meeting
Thursday, March 26 • 7pm • WB Community Center
As a neighborhood association, we’re interested in how we can better serve our residents and increase community involvement from those living in our apartment communities as well as our single family homes. Wells Branch has several new apartment complexes that have opened recently or plan to open in the near future. As a group, we’ve been concerned about a lack of infrastructure and amenities where some of these apartments are located. We will be reaching out to the management teams for the 20+ complexes we have in our area and encouraging attendance at the upcoming CDBG meeting. We’d like for you to join us as well.
Every year, Travis County receives approximately $997,649 in federal funds from a program called the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds housing, infrastructure and social services projects for residents with low and moderate income that live in the unincorporated areas of Travis County. Residents and non-profit agencies can help determine projects by providing project ideas and proposals. Travis County Health and Human Services will explain the CDBG program and provide our community paper copies of the Participation Form so that we may provide our comments and ideas to the Commissioners Court by March 31st.
Residents will have the opportunity to learn more about the program, present community needs and recommend projects for CDBG funds at the meeting. Please make time to attend.
To learn more about CDBG, take the survey online, or suggest a project, visit