Wells Branch Traffic and Safety Open Meeting
Tuesday, March 24 • 7pm • WB Community Center
Traffic: Wells Branch and the surrounding area have experienced massive growth in the last few years. Some of this growth was actively challenged, but we did not have much of a voice in the decisions that were made. Now the Wells Branch MUD is looking at the traffic and safety concerns this growth has and will continue to create. The MUD Safety Committee is scheduled to meet with our county commissioner and other Travis County authorities to ensure they understand the magnitude of the impact to the community, to request impact studies and to brainstorm possible remedies. We want to hear the community’s specific concerns and ideas before the visit with Travis County.
Street & Sidewalk Maintenance: The committee will also take concerns that residents have about their specific street to Travis County. If you have a crumbling curb or pot hole, please document it with pictures and note the address closest to the problem. Include your contact information and send these digitally to info@wellsbranchmud.com.
For more information, visit the WB MUD website at wellsbranchmud.com.