Attention Wells Branch Birders –
Travis Audubon Society FREE Purple Martin Party
Saturday, July 18th 7:45-9:00pm
Capital Plaza Shopping Center
5451 N Interstate 35 Frontage Road
Austin, TX 78723
Meet at the Community Center on Klattenhoff at 7:15pm and leave by 7:30pm with those who want to ride together and/or follow along in their own car. OR…meet us at the Capital Plaza Shopping Center per your own schedule.
The Purple Martins are roosting in the Live Oaks near Shepler’s Western Wear. Enter the Plaza through the main entrance just before Target. At the stop sign, turn right or left and find a parking spot. The birds will come to roost in the Live Oaks along the main drive between the stop sign and the end of the drive.
Watch a hurricane of birds as hundreds of thousands of Purple Martins “swirl” into their roosting site at the Capital Plaza Shopping Center each evening. It’s better than the bats!
Binoculars are optional. Lawn chairs, cameras, and hats or umbrellas are highly recommended
We look forward to enjoying this amazing bird show together.
Wanda Holcombe & Sharon Richardson
If you have any questions: email or phone Wanda
512-619-3469 or