Register Wells Branch!
by Debby Thompson, WBNA President
Okay folks, it’s an election year and we need to get people registered – ALL our Wells Branch people registered. In order to accomplish this, we need volunteers. It only takes an hour of your time to get certified and you can be as involved (or uninvolved) as you like. This enables you to be a source to new neighbors, at events, church, and social groups. It’s a great service for all you realtors out there – offer to register clients at their new address when you close on their homes. If you plan on volunteering for a campaign, it’s a benefit you can offer when block walking or at campaign events. Neighborhood Watch Block Captains, start now! Make it a routine. New neighbors? Ask & offer to register.
What I’d like to see for our community:
- Voter Registration Booths at ALL Neighborhood Events
- Voter Registration Booths at each of our 20 apartment complexes at least twice before the November election
- Set up the first week of the month when rent is due
- Coordinate a month in advance so that apartment management can promote the event to residents
- Bilingual posters in apartment complex business centers, laundry rooms, and mail stations promoting registration
- Register Wells Branch Day!
- Organize Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars to Block Walk (just like we deliver the newsletter)
- Print out lists of registered voters by address
- Block Walk to EVERY home in Wells Branch that’s NOT registered and offer to sign them up!
If you’d like to be a part of this effort (however big or small), we have a training session set for Saturday, February 27, at 1pm in one of the portables at the Rec. Center, 3000 Shoreline Drive.
We need an approximate head count so that Travis County can bring adequate supplies. Please reserve your spot at Questions? Call 512-656-0654.